Acts like Fullbright is on


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
At first I thought this was a mapping error since I'm making a dark, outdoor map. I have everything set correctly, no different than any map I've made before, and the light_env is at 65 brightness and ambient at 20 with light blue color. I'm compiling on normal so I know everythign should be right... when I load in CS:S it's fullbright.

I just checked someone else's map that said theirs was dark as well and it did the same for theirs... why would CS:S not be rendering light correctly? Half-Life 2 had plenty of dark areas & worked when I played... hrmm....
remembered to say that it should compile vis?
Might be a leak... try and see if making a big hollow cube around it helps...
i vaguely remember reading somewhere that after you open a map that sets fullbright on, that you need to restart cs to turn it off or else it will render all maps as fullbright regardless of lighting.

I'm new to any mapping so this info is a bit vague and prolly screwed up, but try restarting cs and go straight to a dark map and not your 1st and see if this helps
