Adam Sessler is pissed with xbox live community

I could tolerate more of the plain stupidity and immaturity, but the thing that really makes me not want to play on there are the widespread racist assholes.

90% of gamers I come across seem like rednecks and the ilk of rednecks to me.

Which is funny, because most of those people are quick to label other people rednecks and similar things, but they are the ones constantly throwing out that stupid shit.
one of the reasons why i haven't bought a 360. halo probably has the majority of the assholes.
How does I mute people? Can't say I have this problem playing PC games though :)
I really only encounter assholes whenever I play Halo 3. Everything else for the most part, Ive been matched up with some pretty cool people. Halo 3 loves to match me up with 12 year olds though for some reason.
Thank god I rarely encounter these people on PC. Way to tell them off.
This just in: 10-year olds are idiots when anonymous behind a console on the internet.

In other news; pharaoh builds pyramid, wheel invented, Lincoln assassinated!
Thank god its usually very easy to mute those people. I rely on it when I have to play on public servers.
I cant take anything this guy says serious. ****ing annoying.

Just mute the people.

He does have a point. For some reason, there are bunch of retarded kids playing on live compared to PSN.

He has a very good point. I love playing Halo 3 on Live and I love swearing and yelling, but I do it in my own company with my mic muted, and I cant believe Microsoft didn't include the most basic feature in games/Live/Xbox options to universally turn voice chat off.

I do this in every game with Voice chat and I thought Euro kiddies in source games were bad but Xbox Live is ****ing horrendous, and its so ****ing nuts when a kid not even old enough to legally buy the game is telling me what his underdeveloped self is going to do to my own mother.

I don't mind bad language or noobish attempts to goad me but goddamn I hate squeaky American kid voices and I hate having to listen to them every match because they don't know the golden value of silence.

So in short I don't play on Live anymore. :hmph:
This just in: 10-year olds are idiots when anonymous behind a console on the internet.

In other news; pharaoh builds pyramid, wheel invented, Lincoln assassinated!

It's not like he was claiming this was news or anything...
What is the 1st ammendment that Adam mentions

Umm i think it's the right to free speech

Thank god this problem is not as widespread on Steam, i can't stand it when i play with my friend who is a girl and she gets loads of abuse of people, that she had to ditch using a microphone.
Advice: Don't plug in your mic unless your playing with friends or use the mute button. Also, welcome to the internet Sessler. Where have you been?
I find Adam Incestler and Morgan Manjaw to be extremely annoying.
You guys act like any one who wants to solve a problem after it has been going on for a while is an idiot.
He really showed those 10 year olds how childish they're being... oh wait. What a ******.
Does this guy's voice annoy the hell out of anyone else?
He does have a point. For some reason, there are bunch of retarded kids playing on live compared to PSN.

Yah. The PSN is full of tards, there just aren't enough using the service to qualify as a bunch :)
I don't even need to watch this video because I know what to expect. Of course you're going to find a majority of mouth breathing gay-bashing suburban children on Xbox live. This is not news at all, Mr. Sessler must be bored. Consider the average Halo 1/2/3 player, I mean an absolute random sampling - they are absolutely some of the most angry, white overfed dipshits who make up the majority of the gaming public.

It's not impossible to be selective, Mr. Sessler. You know to pick friends over Live which have shown good sportsmanship. PSN doesn't have a better community because Sony is some butt****ing elitist cult of gaming enthusiasts. It's just smaller. It's less pop-culture and thus less appealing to your average angry suburbanite. You can bet if PSN was as feature full and popular as XBL it would be just as big a cesspool of horrid angry teenagers.

It's like people skip basic sociology and psychology and decide to go on tirades on youtube or write entire articles about industry standards and "problems". Enough of this shit.

edit: Yep, just watched it. A butthurt not-getting-any-younger Adam Sessler whining about the public not being up to the standards of the "old Unreal Tournament days." Haha, ridiculous. Not news.
Some 14 year old was calling me homophobic names on CoD4 the other night, I cried before I went to bed. :(

^^not joking about the 14 year old calling me names though.
TF2 is plagued by constant people talking about stupid shit over the mic.
One of the only reasons why I hate playing it.
At least you can easily disable voice on Steam...
I instantly mute anyone even remotely annoying in TF2. It never becomes a serious problem. Most of the time voice is a good aid to cooperative play.
TF2 is plagued by constant people talking about stupid shit over the mic.
One of the only reasons why I hate playing it.

Hardly ever bothered by that, just pick a good server. Another reason why PC online gaming / Steam is far superior to services like Xbox Live: you get to pick where you play.
Another reason I don't do multiplayer on my 360. (Also because I have to run a 50' cable from my study upstairs to my console in the downstairs living room whenever I want to connect to Live.)

I really wonder where the parents of these idiots are. Very sad really.
I laugh at all the fools here who say, "If you don't want to hear the racist and homophobic comments, don't plug in your mic", as if they tolerate it and are fine with it... and would rather things to just remain how they are with whiny and annoying racist kids populating the servers of nearly every single game.

Just a fact of life... gamers aren't very progressive and are stuck in the times of old.
This is one of the reasons I hardly play multiplayer games. Its incredibly obnoxious to have to mute half the server's players, and then keep doing while playing because more idiots join. In some ways its worse on the internet because Anon's have grown so common that I run into meme-spouting retards who just **** up the game. And I dont play enough to know which servers are the good ones that kick and ban idiots.
...who... cares?
You're going to find douches everywhere, no matter where you go, I've even had my fair share in places where 99% of people are nice and friendly (Games Workshop stores) but there's always some kid who has a mental issue and has an anger disorder. XBL just has a higher ratio of idiots, and most of them tend to suck at the game anyway. So just kill them.
This is the reason why I only play closed games with my friends on XBL. Otherwise it's just a shouting match between twelve year olds. The PC community is slowly becoming that way as well.
Sessler and those who sympathise with him should take a walk through a school playground some time and eavesdrop on what the kids are talking about. The problem does not originate with XBL. You will never be able to do anything about this. Making a self-righteous video about it, as if the problem lies with anything other than obnoxious kids just being obnoxious kids, is certainly pointless (especially when riddled with profanities - way to crap on your own message).
Well, if a 10 year old kid is saying that, I'd say it's his parents' fault.

I never did that kind of stuff, and I'm generally not an asshole- I don't hang out with a bad crowd, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't steal money from my mom's purse-
And that's why they trust me enough to buy me games like GTA4 or Gears of War, or go to my local gameshop and play DnD with my psychic paladin for 6 hours.

I'm an upstanding citizen!
^ Great attitude. *@ Laiv

Nothing can be done, so forget about it.

I agree, it's WAY TOO common, but that doesn't mean it should be accepted.
Beat you to it, pitzy!

Jerk >_>

Laiv, there may be nothing WE can do ourselves, but hell, the parents could at least stop being useless ****s, and actually see what the kid does on the video games, or anything else for that matter.

If they are adults and acting like that, then I wish we could clean up the gene pool a bit.
Well I agree there is ever a need for better parenting, but then there always has been... My point was that this is something that stems from human nature and not something gamers should feel they have to sort out, as Sessler seems to be suggesting. It's hard to tell because he just seems to be using the vid as a chance to rant at the kid who called him a ******, even though he's probably triple the kid's age or more.