Adding 'dust' to a level!?


Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
In de_dust, in the building, where the light enters through the roof and shines onto the floor, you can see tiny little dust particles lit up by the light.
In de_prodigy, in the vents, there is a light shining past a fan, again lighting up tiny dust particles.
This is an excellent effect, possibley one of the best in hl2/css and i would like to know how to recreate this in Hammer.
Im quite new to mapping to could someone explain it in 'dumbass language' plz :)

ah thx.. so its specific to cs:s? i didnt see it at all in hl2, though i assumed it could be done
The same process can be seen in the trainsation plaza building at the beggining, when you are asked to pick up the can, its a different sprite but its the same effect.
every effect, sprite, model, etc can be used in any game... it's the same engine, just because it's in a different stock game doesn't mean the engine can't call it up...

just use the same dust_motes explained in the link posted in this thread