Adding physics brushes together


Dec 12, 2004
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Hi there. I've got a physics brush cylinder and I want to build an extension to it. I've tried putting a new brush next to it and parenting it to the original but since they are both physics objects they fall down independently. What I want is for them to be, sort of, welded together so they move together. THere's gotta be an easy way to do this, otherwise my maps are limited to blocks and cylinders :)
I'm not sure grouping works (never tried it, but it will probably work) but you can select the brushes you want and tie all of them to the same entity. (just select them, ctrl+t or 'tie to entity')
Yeah just sellect the brushes you want including the entitie your wanting to add to, and go make entitie and you will get a box come up saying its already a funk whatever, add to it or make a new one, so you would check add to it. my wording is wrong but you should still be able to work it out.

also, if you want ones that could possibly come apart, use the entity phys_contraint.