Additional Compendium Stretch Goals Added


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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After the prize pool for The International 2014 Compendium reached $6 million earlier today, Valve have already announced a series of brand new stretch goals in order to continue promoting the sale of the Compendium and Compendium Points.


In a new blog post, Valve introduced the 8 new stretch goals as extra targets for the community to aim towards. After a $800,000 gap between stretch goals 13 and 14, a new goal would be reached every $400,000, effectively bringing the total prize pool to an absolutely mind-blowing $10 million should stretch goal 22 be met. Below is a full list of all the Compendium stretch goals, including the older list.

New Compendium Rewards
  1. $1,800,000: Evolving Battle Point Booster - Grants a new Battle Point Booster that improves as your compendium level increases.
  2. $2,000,000: Loading Screen Treasure - Grants three Treasures that contain Loading Screens. Extra Treasures available as rewards based on Compendium levels.
  3. $2,200,000: Arcana Vote - Unlocks the ability to vote on which hero should receive the next Arcana.
  4. $2,400,000: Special Edition HUD - Grants a new Compendium-themed HUD.
  5. $2,600,000: Solo Championship Vote - Unlocks the ability to vote on the participants of an 8 player Solo Championship at The International.
  6. $2,900,000: New Game Mode - Unlocks the All Random Deathmatch game mode (available to all players, not just Compendium owners).
  7. $3,200,000: Immortal Treasures - Grants a Treasure containing Valve created Immortal items. Every 10 compendium levels grants you an extra treasure.
  8. $3,500,000: Chat Emoticons - Grants access to special emoticons that can be used in Dota 2 chat.
  9. $4,000,000: Mini-Pudge Courier - Grants a special Mini Pudge courier. Level 50 compendium owners have an alternate skin.
  10. $4,500,000: New Music - Grants a new music pack for Dota 2.
  11. $5,000,000: New Matchmaking - Unlocks a 1v1 mid-lane-only Match-making option (available to all players, not just compendium owners).
  12. $5,500,000: Environmental Effects - Grants new environment effects in the Dota map.
  13. $6,000,000: Base Customisation - Grants an item that allows Compendium owners to customise a building in their base.
  14. $6,800,000: Daily Hero Challenge - Earn 25 compendium points every day by winning a game with the Hero we choose for you.
  15. $7,200,000: Alternate Voice - Vote for the Hero you'd like to recieve a new, alternate voice & dialogue pack. When the recording is complete, you will be granted an item that unlocks the new voice.
  16. $7,600,000: Favourite Hero Challenge - Start training for the next International. Select one of your Least Played heroes and we'll provide a GMP/XPM analysis tool during the game to help you compare your performance with previous games. Win 10 games before July 28th and you'll earn compendium points.
  17. $8,000,000: Model Update Vote - Vote for the Hero you'd like to receive a reworked model.
  18. $8,400,000: Multi-Kill Banner - You'll receive an item that customises your Multi-Kill Banner.
  19. $8,800,000: Afterparty Broadcast - Live Broadcasting of the after party with special guest Darude.
  20. $9,200,000: New Upgraded Creeps - Unlocks new models for your creeps after you've killed the enemy barracks. (Available to all players, not just Compendium Owners).
  21. $9,600,000: A -> Z Challenge Support - A new quest system will be added to track your progress, and earn you rewards as you win with all the Dota Heroes (Available to all players, not just Compendium Owners).
  22. $10,000,000: Victory Prediction Taunt - Unlocks the ability for you to perform a voice taunt with your Hero in the early stages of the game. Keeps track of how many successful predictions you've made in a row.
Hidden Between 13 and 14. $6,400,000: Techies Unusual Taunt - Performs a special Taunt animation with added visual effects. Techies will also taunt enemies in their Death Cam when killed by you. Item will be granted to all Compendium Owners when Techies is released after The International.
As you can see, this new list includes a rather diverse list of rewards, as the A -> Z and Favourite Hero Challenges would introduce whole new ways to play while the likes of Upgraded Creeps and Victory Prediction Taunts would simply provide additional means of annoying opponents.

With the prize pool already ridiculously higher than anyone expected, who knows how high it will continue to climb! Check back to ValveTime in the coming weeks and months to see which of these new stretch goals manage to get ticked off the list.


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We'll definitely get a few more stretch goals at least. When the treasure chest comes out a whole lot of money is going to be dropped on Compendium Points... if the items are shiny enough.