Admin plugins - no thanks

Admin mods and such, yay or nay?

  • Yay!

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • Nay!

    Votes: 45 84.9%
  • Obligatory "no opinion" answer.

    Votes: 3 5.7%

  • Total voters


Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Hey everyone

One thing that irks me in online games in general is various admin/metamod plugins and lately that has started to annoy me in TF2 too. There's two main issues why I dislike them:
- They cut down performance. Yes, all those extra sounds and HUD elements do cut down performance if you're not playing at maximum FPS settings (I play at "OK FPS with best possible image quality")
- They include stats polling which in TF2 is simply useless. Thanks to TF2's excellent built-in stats system they're unnecessary.

I know that server admins like to use f.e. MetaMod to admin their servers and it has some somewhat useful features like next map voting (which doesn't actually properly work since TF2 doesn't allow answering two votes in a row normally for some reason) but the thing is that all the useless crap they introduce like loads of custom sounds taken from Unreal Tournament 2004 which never actually play during gameplay which is good since they're 110% annoying outweighs the benefits of such mods.

I kinda wish Valve would introduce a flag to server filters which would allow me to filter out such servers since I already do avoid them but sometimes admins don't put HL StatsX/something tag to the name of the server so I lose valuable gaming time when I accidentally join such a server.
It's not so much of a performance issue for me as a don't make me download this endless stream of useless crap just to join the server issue. Do I cancel or is this the last thing it's going to make me download (and generally never use)?!
Super-pro-leet TF players are planning to implement the super-pro-leet grenades back into TF2 for some reason.
The stats polling is a favourite of lame statwhores - that is to say, k:d ratio whores - and I hate them for that reason. I'm glad that TF2's own great stat-tracking system makes them useless.
Super-pro-leet TF players are planning to implement the super-pro-leet grenades back into TF2 for some reason.

I'd quite like a mod with grenades. As much as I have been enjoying TF2, I am getting a little bored of the gameplay. Sure, there's plenty of classes, but there isn't that much to each one and tactics, even in clan matches, don't get much more involved than 'play your class'.

Grenades could liven things up a little and don't have to be as overused as they were in TFC.
I take it there are no decent management MODs that can be used in TF2 for map voting yet?
Tbh if any of that crap starts downloading i click on cancel straight away and go and try another one. That's what favourites is good for :)
My only concern at the moment is the lack of decent hydro servers, I know not everyone likes that map, but its one of my favorites for casual play.
I'm with everyone else - I absolutely hate some of these mods, especially in their current state, which is mostly broken. An example of a mod I ran into several days ago: One that tells me how much health my killer has left and how much damage I did... The latter part simply doesn't work (won't ever show anything above 0) and TF2already has a working system to tell the former. The sum of all this? An useless box of text at every death.
Tip 1:
Annoyed by admins who add ridiculus sound bites to their server you have to download before joining the game?

Add this to your cfg file:

cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"

Tip 2:
Sprays are starting to pop up in TF2 now, saw a spray of a sentry gun last night and have also seen a spray of a sniper taking aim. To bypass this silliness add this to your config:

cl_playersparyenable = 0
Very nice, Alehm. Would be nice, so I stop downloading those god damned Unreal Tournament/Quake sounds. I DON'T CARE ABOUT HUMILIATING SOMEONE, THEN HAVING THAT SHITTY VOICE YELL IT AT ME!
They are annoying, but it's pretty simple. Find a clean server you like, and stick with it. Soon you'll get to know the like-minded regulars and probably have a good few games, and never have to worry about plugins again.

Liberal use of the favourites server list will aid you in this quest.
Admins who still think it's funny to play a "HEADSHOT" sound when you make a headshot should take a bullet to the brain themselves. Seriously, that was fun in what, 2002?

Yeah, especially when TF2 has its own domination system.

Of course these are probably the same 'hardcore' types that play CS: Source.
I don't like admin mods in TF2, I do like them in DOD and CS though.
They are annoying, but it's pretty simple. Find a clean server you like, and stick with it.

Except those good servers are usually full. :D When that happens I select 'auto-join' then go find any random server to play until I can get into the one I want.
Only admin mods that I would like to see is mani admin controls. No addition to the game, just makes it easier for admins to control the game.

BIG nay for sounds/models/text additions.
I have to agree with the masses here, no admin mods for me. I am happy that you can turn most the sound effects of through the console tho. HLstats however just promotes bad teamplay.
We keep mods to a minimum save for genuine admin purposes(banning hackers/pornographers, etc) I personally loathe the quake sounds.
God I hate the Quake sounds. For christ's sake if you want to hear those damn noises go play Quake itself, just don't contaminate Tf2 Dod or even Cs with that shit! :hmph:
It's just there are so very few uncontaminated servers. Seriously, whats so wrong with the game itself that everyone just cant resist to totally pollute it? It's like having a nice big glass of beer and then trowing cigarette buds in it because you like smoking too.