Advance Wars: Duel Strike Review


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
IGN Has a Review up for the latest Advance Wars on the DS.

Got a respectable 9.0

I'm sure to pick this up when it comes out. The quasi-3D look on the maps looking rather nice for a start.
Looking good :)

It got an edge 8/10 in last months issue btw. I'm picking up a copy soon.

(There are way too many great looking DS games on the way. I don't have the time or the money to play them all :/)
I'm think ready to buy an AW title again now... after being rudely robbed of several months of my life by the first game.

I just hope the touch/dualscreen-fulfilling gimmicks, and the glut of extra units, don't harm the simplicity and balance of the original. That's always been the problem with Advance Wars. They can never really improve on the formula- only change it around.
Noobulon said:
I just hope the touch/dualscreen-fulfilling gimmicks, and the glut of extra units, don't harm the simplicity and balance of the original. That's always been the problem with Advance Wars. They can never really improve on the formula- only change it around.
Intelligent systems has a knack for doing stuff right...
The only downside I've heard about with the touch screen is that you can't undo a move. So if you accidently touch the screen with the stylus, or select the wrong area to move too, then you're buggered.