advanced graphics settings -- need EXPERT advice



Hi. Please don't post here if you're only going to say "don't use a laptop" or something stupid like that. I'm looking for someone who has more intelligence than someone who'd post that kind of stuff.
Thanks :)

I have a 2.66Ghz 512MB RAM, geforce fx go5600 (64mb :( ) computer.

I love it because it's a laptop and it has an amazing glass plated lcs monitor. So if you want to start insulting the laptop video card, I'm gonna laugh at you with my 16.1" lcd that you can view from any angle :)

Anyway, I know it's only 64mb video ram. It kills me. I was wondering if it's possible to allocate system ram or virtual ram to add more video ram.... I think this would certainly solve my problems.

OR, maybe there's some advanced setttings in the form of console commands that could lower model detail or textures. Please don't say under options in the game. That's too obvious and I've already set it. Personally, I see no difference, but whatever if it says its on low then I guess it is.

Anyway, either of the two. Would any super 1337 genious know anything that would be of some help?


- Tom
you could try getting some overclocking tools like powerstripe and OC your card. Maybe your processor too. Thats all I can recomend.
yes you can use system ram on most laptops.

just entor the bios settings and it's right in there
Don't mess around with changing mobile graphics card settings. Giving or taking ram to them or from them, is trouble. Trust me. There selling new laptop graphics cards that reside outside of the laptop. Look into it.
As a general rule, don't mess with the laptops graphics cards. Don't even try to overclock it.

I'm unfamiliar with the FX go5600 architecture, but I am assuming it has 64 MB dedicated video memory. That means you have 64 MB in addition to your system RAM that is located really close to the video card.

Because of this, you cannot use system RAM for additional video memory. There are numerous reason like latency and performance issues I don't want to get into. If your video card did use system memory, most likely it would perform slower than faster. Even if there was an option to include additional video ram, that wouldn't help performance. They primary performance factor in computer games is the video card core (which renders the graphics), not the amount of video memory you have.

My best recommendation to increase performance is to reduce your resolution. This will reduce the fill rate/pixel shading demands that your video card has to do which will result in higher frame rates. If you can handle it, try 800 by 600 or even 640 by 480 resolution. You will notice fairly dramatic frame rate jumps at these lower resolutions.
oh of course, im running 640x480... but I was hoping to add more ram. RAM really does account for a lot. I work with graphics every day of my practically. Not 3d, but any type of rendering and working with images (as i've noticed with even my 2d design and photography) RAM will help big time. I'm wondering if adding another 512MB RAM to my computer would help.. I'm sure it would, but by how much? Who knows..

I don't want to overclock anything because the laptop runs so incredibly hot to begin with. It's a Sony VAIO laptop. It's a true Pentium4. So it runs real hot and is equivelant to a desktop. It's a real nice battery draining system :)

So I doubt overclocking the CPU is going to do much. In fact there, Terminator, if my graphics card was as good as yours I wouldn't have much of a difference if any at all in gameplay. I'm having trouble with the models and my guess is textures on them so I'm assuming its a RAM thing. I could be wrong, but a 2.66Ghz P4 is pretty wicked fast, a fx 5600 is also good enough. Just what kills me is the RAM. I really need to work on trying to boost it. I'm not about to mess with buying another video card as I'm sure this one is soldered into the laptop and I don't have the money right now.

Thanks for your suggestions though!
Dont use a laptop.

But honestly, I wouldn't suggest Going into the bios on those things, as for the 5600, Its not a great card, you could have a gig of video ram, it you would still lag on medium settings.

Its simply not a good enough card, for that matter computer. To play. IF you do overclock, You might want to look into straping a fan to the bottom of the computer, because YOU WILL OVERHEAT IT.
Your graphics processor will automatically utilize system ram when it runs out of local video memory, but your framerate will take a big hit every time it has to swap textures. 64mb is likely not enough for most high end games. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about that. I doubt more system ram would make much difference. Your graphic processor/video ram is your weak link.
Best Thing i can tell you, is play in lowest Resolution, with the crapiest texture setting.
yea, I know it's not running it fast enough, but it SHOULD. That's the whole point. A Geforce Ti4400 should run this game fine. It's not exactly cutting edge. Furthermore, I get excellent frame rate when not in the midst of a group of characters.

The models in the game aren't optimzed and really aren't worth it. They are cool looking but they should have an option to reduce their quality. The high medium and low doesn't really seem to have much significance. As I remember correctly, original half life had a texture pack for their models to increase their quality over the ages...Would there be something like this but only to reduce the quality?
Do you think it is the textures or do you think it's the polygons on the models?
All I know is Doom3 runs faster on my computer and looks better than half life2.
Perhaps the darkness gives it an edge and can cover up some things that don't quite look perfect...but the graphics are definately a lot better and contrary to what some ATI users say they do not look "plastic." On the contrary, hl2's graphics look plastic and cartoony. Which is fine, I like that look on half life. Anyway the point is, if Doom3 can optimize their graphics so it can run on lower end computers, then hl2 should also be able to. If you notice, there's a million settings for Doom3 and only 3 for hl2. Model Quality, Texture Quality, Shadow Quality... oh and Water Reflections...
I wish the programmers at Valve there were as talented as Id because darnit, I just really really love counterstrike over doom as far as gameplay and entertainment. I'm less concerned with graphics. Especially since counterstrike original is still being played to this day and no one cares about those graphics that are ages old.

Any other ideas guys?

Thanks so much.
Lucid phoenix, I'm sephiroth in that server you played in today. Everything they just told you, I told you about. But you didn't wanna listen did you. :|
BY far Hl2 is more optimized then Doom3.

Dooms max settings turn my computet to dust.

Hl2 Max settings, i run at 50fps. Visual Isnt to much different.

My old computer, with only 4x agp, geforce 4200 ti.

Can run doom on lowest settings, and i'm lucky to not lag. CS:S On max settings, i still get 20 fps. Take off AA and AF, and i get about 35 fps. Very Playable.
You dont understand the difference between DeskTop and Mobiles. A mobile can have better specs then a desktop and still be slower.
The architecture of mobile products arnt the same as desktop system, to reduce power and heat.

Laptops are not gaming machines, Even the ones that claim to be, are not.
This is possible, though you are using a laptop (known as lowwave portable computer to experts). However you are going to need to alter the quadra signals on your motheboard in order to allow for the alpha and beat streams to waveshift to a higher diga-frequency. To do this you must find your original BOTO floppy that came with the laptop, enter this and run abcneg.exe. This will open a console, type in-
initit abc deg//
you this will display a series of code you dont need to understand,however when it displays and only when it displays "abc deg aplht ready" hit the Enter button. This will open a new window with some more numbers in, type
shift 19559305630-3454534-454544 toup>< 48239284343-34343
hit enter again and wait until data stops appearing. Then type whatever FMD super channel the RAM you wish to use is on, you may need to look at the maual. Hit enter and your done.

You asked for expert advice :D