Adventure Time!


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score

Awesome. Awesome to the max.
Holy shitsticking monkey bollox that was AWESOME.
I can't believe I watched that entire thing.....

This thing is actually unbelievably awesome.

"Hey, uhh... look, over there! Those ninjas are stealing that old man's diamonds!"
"Gimme back my diamonds!"
Times like these I wish I was a drug user.

"You've been transported back in time....AND TO MARS!"
"Can you point me to the Sun?"
"Its that way!"
"Oh duh... Thanks!"
/throws snowballs at him

Great show? Or Greatest?
Rofl, reminds me of these animations.(BEAR POWERS!)

And a little bit of the Rejected cartoons.

OMG OMG OMG I think I shit my pants, were going in.... you want your booties. Yes Please
Snowclops! Snowgolem! Elemental, Hey could you tell me which way to the sun? Oh that way..(Rest said by krynn :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
"Hey sloppy milkshake!"
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
"Fool! Your powers are no match for my Magical Crown!"
/punches crown, *doink*
"Ah! My Powers!"
What the **** was that? Some must've been REAL high while creating this o__O
Dude, I'm connecting to the Internet, with my MIND. *khcreeeeeezmmmmmmmkkkkkk*
Heehee! Beep, bop, beep beep, boop, beep bop
Dude, check it out, I downloaded this new dance.
That show was just badass..this is the 4th time watching it. So funny...I notice some little things here and there too...

"I don't see any adventure around...we can just sit around about our feelings.."
Haha, yeah. Fourth time here - it only just dawned on me that the unicorn thing is called a Rainicorn :p

"Let's go cheer her up. To the max!"

"Want to hear a funny joke?"
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Bleblulululaula who?"
"Maaaaaaaan. That wasn't very funny."
"The IceKing is an oxy-MORON!"

"That guy is a total PATOOT!"
He's 50 PATOOTS!"
:D That was enjoyable.

I don't really get this though:
"What matters is that you need to believe in yourself"
"Wha-NEVAAAAAR!" *smash*

So he doesn't believe in himself?

"We're going in turbo time! ... You want your booties?"

Edit - Hahaha.

"That was totally math!"

So classic.

Edit2 - Hehehehoho.

"How old are you?"
"I'm twelve years old!"
"I'm twenty eight!"

Edit3 - Random video from the same studio... kinda funny, kinda creepy.

Was that... was that the guy who voices Bender as the dog?

That was so goddamn cool, though.