Advice: Games Industry Job possibility stalling


Apr 19, 2004
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I've currently been in correspondence with a large games company based in Lemington Spa for the last two weeks in relation to a sound design/musician. It initially got off the ground really well, with them saying they were impressed with my work. Though for the last week or so, it's like they've been on a loop, just saying they've been impressed with my work...please send more.

I've now posted close to all the work I'm 'happy' for industry people to see (the rest being demo quality), as well as video examples of my sound design work. I feel i'm really close, but don't know whether to risk saying no and making them decide whether to interview me on what they have got, or to put more stuff out and risk compromising the quality of my work.

If anyone has had experience of a similar situation, where they just ran out of work to show - I've got 15 tracks on my site and it's easily over an hour, while the video was for a pretty big console game, 'Reign of Fire' it was a Hollywood blockbuster film tie-in to boot.

If you want to see examples:

Thanks, Rob
You have two choices

a) send them the work that you aren't happy with and say that they are very earlier tracks and tracks that you experimented with, or
b) tell them the truth and that the other tracks were much earlier works, not as good as the material you have sent.