Advice on a Work Problem

Jul 1, 2003
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Ok...I have one of the easiest jobs in the world. I sit in front of a computer, and every so often I type a few commands in and print some labels. They're really flexible when it comes to my schedule and it's at night so I can go to class during the day and work at night. It pays quite well for part-time jobs around here and I really wanna keep it.

I have 16 credits this semester and I'm getting really bogged down with homework. I have writing projects to do every week, midterms coming up, lab reports to type up, and I just don't have enough time sometimes to get my homework done and I call in and tell them I have a ton of work to do, explain the project/paper breifly and they say it's fine if I don't come in. I only did this a few times when I first started when I'd have a big speech to prepare for or something...but now I'm getting huge assignments or tests very regularly and I've had to do it more and more.

I seem to be trying their patience. I had to do it again today and the girl I work with seemed to be almost angry. To clarify, this job takes little to no work for one person...and for two people it's no different. So her working alone makes next to no difference (besides - when I am there I usually do all the work while she writes in her journal or something else). I told her about a 10 pg report I had to write for tomorrow and explained how much this class sucked.

"So I won't be able to come in tonight 'till about 7 or 8"
"Well by then we'll just be invoicing trucks so I don't know if you even need to come in"
"Well I'll talk to you when if im gonna be able come in"
"Ok, bye"
"See y--"

I've done this like 3 times this month and a I had to leave early a few times last month because of group meetings and such...but it's either me going to work and letting my schoolwork suffer...or miss work.

Again...I'd like to keep this job especially for this summer...but right now I just don't have enough time to work every night 5-10 or 11.

EDIT: Anybody know if you can somehow get pen off of clothes? I think one of my roomates left a pen in his pants when it went thru the dryer and it got pen all over another roomate's clothes. It's not coming off and it's all over the inside of the dryer - and we can't get that off either.
That sucks, my place was like that. They loved me and said I was doing a good job but the minute I took one day off they cried...
Find your mum she'll know the answer to all those questions...
One or the other is going to suffer. You have to decide which one. Do you want to possibly lose your job or do you want to possibly fail your schooling. In economics they call this opportunity cost. By choosing college you're giving up all the money you could have made from your job. By choosing your job you give up an education that can get you a better one. It's your choice and you have to decide what's best for your future.

I am also in college too, I'm in my Junior year. I'm taking 16 credit hours also but there's a difference between me and you. I tend to pick things up instantly and not have to do any work. This is my second year in college and I haven't studied once, done any optional homework or even open a book lol. Schooling had always come natural to me and since there's no homework in college I find it a lot easier than high school. I've managed to keep my GPA at 3.7 so I think I'm doing fairly well :). I guess I'm just lucky since I'm breezing through college.

What I do for money is I work internships of the summer. It not only pays well but it's great to put on your resume for future jobs and gets you the experience you require for the future. Maybe you could try this for whatever field your major is in.

As for the pen I don't know lol. Maybe Oxyclean or something like that would work.
cant you take some of ur homework with u and do it at work, since your work sounds alot like a syve :p
i work part-time at a 24hour superstore, but never everyday of the week.

is the pen on a shirt or what? use that super fancy stuff you see advertised all the time :naughty:
EDIT: Anybody know if you can somehow get pen off of clothes? I think one of my roomates left a pen in his pants when it went thru the dryer and it got pen all over another roomate's clothes. It's not coming off and it's all over the inside of the dryer - and we can't get that off either.
Quick google search found me this:
Gogo hairspray!!
Pressure said:
One or the other is going to suffer. You have to decide which one. Do you want to possibly lose your job or do you want to possibly fail your schooling. In economics they call this opportunity cost. By choosing college you're giving up all the money you could have made from your job. By choosing your job you give up an education that can get you a better one. It's your choice and you have to decide what's best for your future.

I am also in college too, I'm in my Junior year. I'm taking 16 credit hours also but there's a difference between me and you. I tend to pick things up instantly and not have to do any work. This is my second year in college and I haven't studied once, done any optional homework or even open a book lol. Schooling had always come natural to me and since there's no homework in college I find it a lot easier than high school. I've managed to keep my GPA at 3.7 so I think I'm doing fairly well :). I guess I'm just lucky since I'm breezing through college.

What I do for money is I work internships of the summer. It not only pays well but it's great to put on your resume for future jobs and gets you the experience you require for the future. Maybe you could try this for whatever field your major is in.

As for the pen I don't know lol. Maybe Oxyclean or something like that would work.

Heh - I know about the opportunity cost bit - I've taken my share of econ classes :p I was the same way in High School, I never studied and made almost straight A's. Now all the work I do outside of class is writing papers or doing group projects. I don't have time to do the optional homework even if I wanted to.

I also can't really do schoolwork at work because I need to have an extended period of time to type up my papers and such. I have some downtime at work but when I do a paper, I sit down and do it in an hour or so with no interruptions or breaks. At work I'd get interrupted every 5-10 minutes.

I would like to just work 2-3 days a week...but I don't think they'll really let me do that...and I really wanna keep this job for the summer. Next time I go in I'll just explain my entire situation and see what they say...who knows.