Half life 2 is completely updated as is counter strike and steam. The trouble is wen i get to the second loading point right at the beginning of the game, just before a door i just get thrown back to the title screen.
The specs of my comp are
amd athlon 3000+
768 mg ram
radeon 9200 128mg
windows xp
I don't know if it's a compatability problem with the graphics card because all the drivers are also completely updated. If anyone has any suggestions or have encountered the same problem and managed to fix it the help would be appreciated greatly
The specs of my comp are
amd athlon 3000+
768 mg ram
radeon 9200 128mg
windows xp
I don't know if it's a compatability problem with the graphics card because all the drivers are also completely updated. If anyone has any suggestions or have encountered the same problem and managed to fix it the help would be appreciated greatly