Afghans Arrest Americans


May 5, 2004
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this is just getting weirder by the day:

"Afghan forces arrested three Americans, including a purported former Green Beret, after raiding a jail they were allegedly running in the Afghan capital and finding prisoners hanging from their feet, officials said Thursday. "

"The U.S. military, facing a widening inquiry into prisoner abuse, quickly distanced itself from the three, who had been posing as American agents before being detained Monday. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Thursday "the U.S. government does not employ or sponsor these men."

"The Americans and four Afghans who were detained along with them "formed a group and pretended they were fighting terrorism," Interior Minister Ali Ahmad Jalali said. "They arrested eight people from across Kabul and put them in their jail."


Seriously the whole world is f***ed up over there.
What the hell.. Yeah, like PunisherUSA says, the world is upside down over there. :p
Yeah I'd say that's about what those people who hanged upside down thought too :E It's like KA-razy all over!
CrazyHarij said:
What the hell.. Yeah, like PunisherUSA says, the world is upside down over there. :p

Americans should be the ones doing the arresting in Afganistan? They have their own Police, let them do their job.
Alec_85 said:
:E It's like KA-razy all over!
Makes it sound like a gameshow...

SixThree - I think the implication was that the amount these people think they can get away with (ragarding treatment of prisoners) is messed up. I hope so.
el Chi said:
Makes it sound like a gameshow...
It was still kinda humorous. Though I doubt the prisoners or whatever would agree.
el Chi said:
Makes it sound like a gameshow...

SixThree - I think the implication was that the amount these people think they can get away with (ragarding treatment of prisoners) is messed up. I hope so.

The Americans or the Afghans? Because neither one is better than the other...
The Americans specifically because of the bad press they've had of late.