After playing the demo, questions


May 28, 2004
Reaction score
When I saw that the HL2 demo came out today, I got and was expecting performance to be bad with my 5200 but I was curious to see how badly it ran before getting my 9800 pro with HL2 on Christmas.
It was actually pretty smooth on the settings it defaulted to (800x600, high shadows, low shader, simple water reflections, can't remember what else there was), but the game would slow up badly pretty much whenever a new weapon was taken out or a new sound was heard, so the first couple seconds it was pretty slow.

And there would sometimes be quick but big drops in the framerate, will this continue with my 9800 pro or is this the ram or cpu? Or is it just because it's a demo?
9800 pro AGP8X 256 mgb mem, with RAM of 512mgb and 3.0 Ghz should be no problem. Motherboard is an important factor, check if it the latest chipset and allows AGP8x and what is frontside bus speed.

So 875 chipset and 800mghz FSB and AGP8X should be no problem.
My specs are listed below, I have an 865 chipset, my processor is a P4B 2.2ghz 400mhz FSB, I do have 512mb ram dual channel, and the 9800 pro is 128mb but that's fine. I think I'll be ok once I get it. Oh and the 5200 is PCI but the 9800 pro will be AGP 8x.