Afterfall:InSanity demo and NMA preview


Party Escort Bot
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
If anyone recalls, Afterfall is a Polish action game set in an alternate, post-nuclear Europe. It's demo wnet live yesterday and today NMA brings you GIFTS in the form of previews and Screencaps:

Contrary to expectations, the writing is competent. It isn't exactly the apex of character design or plot craftsmanship, but it works well. As long as we ignore the fact that a psychiatrist is bashing open the heads of his former coworkers with an axe (although that might be because he himself is insane; it remains to be seen if the authors decided to use this potential plot thread) and the quite cheesy rationale for sending Tokaj off on what's possibly a suicide mission. The demo concludes the first portion before anything really interesting happens, but opens several plot threads and leaves the player curious, which is always a good sign.
I just beat the demo and I would be lying if I said I was even remotely impressed with it.

Bad voice-acting, bad animations, bad dialogue, boring combat and if the intention of the developers was to scare me then they failed miserably.

I have to strongly disagree with you when you write the following "It certainly isn't a budget title, or a poorly executed one." because to me it feels like both.

To me, the demo screams of a budget title and when compared to other indie horror titles, such as the Penumbra series and Amnesia: The Dark Descent, this fails to impress me even a little.
NMA is one of the worst places. This game doesn't seem like it would be remotely interesting at all. Oh boy. More shitty post apocalyptic settings. Haven't played that shit before. Oh boy. Your character is insane. HAVEN'T USED THAT GODDAMN PLOT DEVICE BEFORE.
well graphically it looks decent to be a indie game,is a indie game right?
NMA is one of the worst places. This game doesn't seem like it would be remotely interesting at all. Oh boy. More shitty post apocalyptic settings. Haven't played that shit before. Oh boy. Your character is insane. HAVEN'T USED THAT GODDAMN PLOT DEVICE BEFORE.

you weren't all that funny before you snapped/broke down/got angsty and left the forum a while back and you're even less tolerable now. i can't even comprehend how bad this post is, especially when it starts off with some really obvious baiting.

game looks cool.
well graphically it looks decent to be a indie game,is a indie game right?

Well graphically to me it looks just like other sci-fi titles running on the UE3.

I guess if anything I was reminded the most of the Alien Breed remakes that also use UE3.

It's even got the same exact limitations of that version of the engine it seems, such as a character only being able to cast one shadow at a time (I.e. when you aim your flashlight at the character, his shadow cast by an environmental light MOVES to position itself so that it's cast by your flashlight instead, which looks ridiculous.
I want to play this game (even though the last gameplay video I've watched was way too scripted).
you weren't all that funny before you snapped/broke down/got angsty and left the forum a while back and you're even less tolerable now. i can't even comprehend how bad this post is, especially when it starts off with some really obvious baiting.

game looks cool.
Being totally serious though. Post-apocalyptic settings are completely overdone and boring. Making a character crazy is just an excuse to avoid giving them any other depth. Not saying it hasn't been done to a character with good effect, but it's becoming something just stupid and thrown out there. I wasn't trying to strike a nerve with anyone contrary to what you might believe, but apparently I did. :lllllllllll
Being totally serious though. Post-apocalyptic settings are completely overdone and boring. Making a character crazy is just an excuse to avoid giving them any other depth. Not saying it hasn't been done to a character with good effect, but it's becoming something just stupid and thrown out there. I wasn't trying to strike a nerve with anyone contrary to what you might believe, but apparently I did. :lllllllllll

you are very fickle if you think opening a post with ''NMA is one of the worst places'' in a thread made a long-time poster of said forums has a chance of going down just fine and dandy.
BMaking a character crazy is just an excuse to avoid giving them any other depth. Not saying it hasn't been done to a character with good effect, but it's becoming something just stupid and thrown out there.

If you actually read the preview, you'd know that the game doesn't say that the main character is insane. He's a psychiatristy and the game, at least in the demo, doesn't state that he's sane or insane.
I read the preview quote in the OP post. I went off that and assumed they'd be going that route just because of the "may or may not be insane himself" quote. Seems like a blatantly obvious route they'd take.