Age of Empires III Trailer

That looks kickass. It's a shame they make you really excited by showing FMV which looks plausible followed by graphics which are quite poor compared with B&W2 and RoL. Still looks immense and graphics don't matter too much.
Reginald said:
That looks kickass. It's a shame they make you really excited by showing FMV which looks plausible followed by graphics which are quite poor compared with B&W2 and RoL. Still looks immense and graphics don't matter too much.
I was thinking just the opposite; didn't impress me too much.
The AoE series has been top notch in the area of intro cinematics always imo.
Looks nice.

Edit:Why was there a Samurai in the intro?
There is no Japanese civ in AoE3! :eek:
mercenaries? dunno. Yeah, the trailer is very nice- wasn't too impressed with the gfx, but then, i know what it's going to look like, so im not worried :)
looked really awesome, I might get it depending on how good people say it is.
This trailer doesn't do the game justice at all. Watching the demos they had at E3 got me much more excited. The cinematics are fine, but its in-game where this title really shines. I think you'll all find out that when this releases it will have hands-down the best graphics of any RTS out there, not to mention any game in general. I just can't wait for the destructible environments(finally!) and the real-time physics. Man, this one's gonna be amazing :-)
I hope it lives up to it' predacessor, AoE 2: Conquerers. That game was 1337, and it's not even a FPS!