AGP Not On?

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I got a new motherboard and processor the other day. I have a Albatron KX600 (KT600?) Pro. I also got a AMD Athlon XP 3000+. Anyway, everything is working and all but when I try to change the AGP speed on my ATI Radeon 9800 it stays on 0. Games work too. I know that my motherboard supports 8x AGP and its set on that in the BIOS. Anyway, does anyone have an idea on how to turn the speed to 8x and keep it that way? I put it on 8x (tried 4x too) and applied, restarted, but it keeps going back to 0. Hope someone can help. Thanks.
Try getting the latest AGP drivers for your motherboard? I was having a similar problem (4x only, when I had an 8x board/card), after updating the AGP drivers it let me change the AGP speed.

You might want to look at updating your BIOS, too.
Well, for the BIOS, when I looked for an update it said "Initial Release Version", so that means it's still the same thing that it came with right? Also, I didn't see any AGP drivers on the website.
Latest AGP drivers for VIA chipsets

Try updating those -- if you still have problems afterwards, DL the latest BIOS. Initial Release Version does indeed mean that those are the BIOS that the board was programmed with when it was manufactured.
*Smacks head* I'm such a moron. The mothboard came with a disc that had the AGP drivers on it. I could have sworn I installed them before. Anyway, got them installed now and its showing as 8x now. Now that that is fixed, I have a side question. I have a cox cable modem and it's been acting a little weird. It's been going at it's normal speed and then would slow way down then go back up. It's never gone this slow before and I'm thinking it is from the motherboard change. Anyone else having this problem thats using a cox cable modem?
*Sighs* Well...I seem to have another problem with the AGP. Now, whenever I play any game either on 4x or 8x after about 30 seconds to 1 minute the game will either restart the computer without warning (UT2003, GTA:VC, & MP2), give an error message and close (UT2003), or close the game and go back to windows (MP2). Now, I have to keep the AGP off to play games. I thought at first it might be just the game but it's happened with all the ones I've tried now. Any advice? Thanks.
Dark Auro said:
*Sighs* Well...I seem to have another problem with the AGP. Now, whenever I play any game either on 4x or 8x after about 30 seconds to 1 minute the game will either restart the computer without warning (UT2003, GTA:VC, & MP2), give an error message and close (UT2003), or close the game and go back to windows (MP2). Now, I have to keep the AGP off to play games. I thought at first it might be just the game but it's happened with all the ones I've tried now. Any advice? Thanks.
Which AGP drivers did you use, the ones off your CD or the ones I linked to?

Also, you might as well update your motherboard BIOS, it couldn't hurt. I always like to get the latest motherboard BIOS when I first install a new motherboard.
Well, first I used the ones you linked me to and those didn't work. Then I used the one from the CD and those worked (in a way). And about the BIOS, I couldn't find any update to update my BIOS on the website so I think it is up to date.
I also wanted to ask how much of a performance difference is there with 0 AGP and 4x/8x AGP?
The performance differnece is minimal. I didn't know you can run at 0x AGP (I can't switch it to that..), either way, you probably wouldn't notice a huge leap.

Here are the latest BIOS for your motherboard (the site links to the Pro bios from the BIOS downloads, so I can only assume they're backwards compatible with eachother).

As for the AGP not working, that's pretty odd. <-- try this page. Try the 4in1 drivers, or use the AGP standalone drivers (I linked you to the newest AGP drivers). You might try another revision of the drivers. I have a VIA board, and the drivers I linked you to worked for mine.

Anyhow, hope this helps.