Ah, an update!

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Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
August 18, 2006 (current release)


  • Improved hitbox detection for player body parts that extend outside of the bounding box
  • Bug fixes

  • Fixed players being able to capture areas from farther away than intended
  • Fixed an exploit where player could plant the bomb and switch teams, causing the bomb to explode and give the point ownership to the wrong team
  • Fixed bell sound playing on knife impacts
  • Fixed players switching to the tnt view model if they picked it up while a smoke grenade was deployed
  • Fixed several map exploits
  • Fixed minimap cap areas showing the number of players present even if those players were on the owning team
  • Fixed a case where user could crash the server with a client command
  • Fixed a case where dod_Jagd would not respond to mp_timelimit changelevels
  • Fixed an exploit that could be use to throw grenades farther than intended
  • Fixed logging events kill_planter and kill_defuser showing incorrect data
  • Fixed several cvars not being saved in the config ( death effects options, hud_centerid )
  • Fixed animation issue where player would not have an animation if they expended all ammo
  • Fix issue where player would be stuck on spawn if they were defusing when the round restarted

Yay. 8D

Edit: Click here for the rest...
WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!!! I can take a break from CSS 4 a while now! o and i really didnt get bthis til now lol
Got this today but i noticed that my max_fps command wasn't working. As i had just upgraded my video drivers i blamed them but then i booted up CS and the max_fps is working fine. Gona go try again to doube check.

Working now, can't explain that.
And now this thread will sink into the past
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