Ahh the memories

AJ Rimmer

Jun 12, 2004
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I don't think I've seen one of these threads before, I searched but came up with zip so here goes;
What's your first memory of hearing of Half-life 2?
Here's mine:
I had only played through Blueshift a few months earlier, I started playing Half-life in 2002, and through some mystery I managed to remain in the dark as to HL2 when the first rumours on the internet showed up, and later on all the way until I received the June ex of Swedish PCGamer and saw Gordon Freeman's face smeared onto the front page. I was extatic, and read through the article again and again.
Here's the first screenshot I ever saw of Half-life 2, and the caption:
http://members.home.nl/roelvdeerden/Half-Life 2 Media Page/Screenshots/Ant Lions 01.jpg
"This is Half-life 2
This is the in-game engine

Come on, post away!
I was totally blindsided. I was at work one day and someone said hey.. have you seen the E3 footage for HL2..

After I seen it I started seeking out info.
Someone punched me in the face but he had a screenshot taped to his fist and I saw it right before it hit me in the eye. That is when I knew I had to find out more.
I think it was 2002, and i was roaming the net... i typed hl1 mods in google (was very bored).. and i came across the rumours that hl2 was coming...

I shit my pants...

And thus the anticipation was born.
Well....months (maybe even a year) before HL2 was announced, I was reading "The Spy" article in PC Gamer (UK) and a HL2 rumour was mentioned. The Spy didn't really take it seriously, but the rumour was that HL2 would be set in Europe, and you would once again play as Gordon but this time with a female side kick...and would travel around solving "X-files like cases". Interesting....

Anyway...about a year later, just for fun I typed half life 2 into Google, not expecting to find anything other than some far fetched made up rumours along with the odd april fools joke. To my great surprise, I came across numerous forums which had actual screenshots and magazine scans from an upcoming half life 2 preview! I wasn't sure whether to believe them....so I went to PC Gamer's web site...where there was a news article about HL2! That's my story...
I was reading a PCG about it (HL2) and names came up like: Black Mesa, Gordon Freeman etc... I was like: I need to play the original in order to be worthy to play the sequel! A few days later I bought HL:Generation with CS, HL and all expansion packs. After that, It was only HL2. :D

P.S. And yes! I am ashamed over that I didn't play HL1 when it was released... :(
I don't remember exactly when I first heard of the confirmation, but I always assumed that Valve would be following up Half-Life with something sweet. You know their gonna ride that wave right to the beach, baby!
all i remember was the scan from the back page of EDGE magazine, the pic of the crowbar standing up, and the shadow creating the '2' of the picture. with no words at all.
I watched the E3 2003 video... that's the first time I'd ever even heard of it...
First screenshot I saw was this one just as it had emerged on IRC. I had to know more...
I was on IGN randomly, and I see this 'E3 HL blah blah blah' thing, and I go 'Hmm, interesting.' There was a Quicktime link, so I clicked it, and then the techdemo loaded. And then I exploded. True story.
This discussion makes me feel al weird and warm inside, I think i'll watch a few binks! :D
I read about it on PHL, and later on I found this wonderful place :)
first i heard of hl2 was in a gaming mag at the supermarket and the first picture i saw was the one of the strider chasing those CS looking characters down the street
I first heard of hl2 when it was shown at e3 and i loved it the first screenie was the orange one
I was one merry day in april 2003 I think browsing the DOD forums, when I saw a thread about Half-Life 2, I thought it was a spelling error, since hey, there was no HL2! Anyway, I peeked into the thread and saw a scan of a german magazine page... It was showing a picture of a crowbar with it and it's shadow forming a 2. That was it. Even though there were non-belivers... I belived that it was Half-Life2.
I happened to stumble upon a E3 2003 discussion about HL2 on the PC modding forum I browse and was linked to the demonstration. My love began when the grenade blew the legs off the 'hut' (whatever it was) and crushed the combine below.
I was in France, on the PC Gamer France issue. I was like whoa !
I actually don't remember how I ran into the game, but I remember when I watched the binks for the first time. That was it. Since then, that's the only game I really want to play (and I started some kind of preaching HL2 among other my game oriented friends) End of story.
I was on an airplane and read it in one of those in-flight magazines. It was one of those moments where "I caught the biggest fish in the lake".... but no one was there to appreciate it with me.
I played Half-Life with-in a few days of it coming out. After it had won it's first game of the year award, Valve were asked as to when Half-life2 were coming out. I remember something about it being 5-6 years, when the hardware could properly portray the story. Id Software had made similar remarks about Doom3, long after Quake was launched, and everyone thought that is WAS Doom3.
Ever since then I have been patiently waiting, making small upgrades to my pc's, staying on top of the market so I could get this awesome experience that PC's of the time were unable to produce.
I first heard rumors of HL2 actually being a reality in late 2002. THen, I heard all that most of you that have been following from the start, albeit from a hardware perspective; the code theft, the delay (after i had already dropped almost a $1000 with tax on a 9800XT, free copy of HL2 included), the further delay, and then CS:S.
I've played CS:S quite a bit, and although many people have issues with it, for one reason or another, I am quite happy with what i have seen, and am eagerly awaiting the release of HL2, so the story can ocntinue.
Dr0ndeh said:
all i remember was the scan from the back page of EDGE magazine, the pic of the crowbar standing up, and the shadow creating the '2' of the picture. with no words at all.

Same here.

Think I was on Blue News reading about something and there was all this buzz about a magazine coming out which had the crowbar shaped like a 2.

Of course...everyone knew it had to be HL2
i remeber i saw that ad ( the crowbar and shadow ) on PCGamer...damn it was a great day. :)
Someone said:
Same here.

Think I was on Blue News reading about something and there was all this buzz about a magazine coming out which had the crowbar shaped like a 2.

Of course...everyone knew it had to be HL2

same here too

seriously I was screeming like a little kid... at 3 am and totally drunk :cheers: :thumbs: the following night I dreamt of hl1 and the next day I thougt stupid drugs, there is no hl2 or anything else and then on the internet, second woohooooo :E since then I'm sucking every info I can get!
I walked into the store (I didn't have connection to the www at that moment) and I saw my favorite gaming magazine with on the front "Finally it's there! Half-Life 2". I grabbed that magazine like it was something holy. Funny, it actually was :p
Dr0ndeh said:
all i remember was the scan from the back page of EDGE magazine, the pic of the crowbar standing up, and the shadow creating the '2' of the picture. with no words at all.
Me too. That is the first official info anyone got about the existence of the game. Anything before that is speculation. I think that mag came out in mid April 2003.
Yeah, I remeber I was searching for game news on gamesradar site and there was a big title for HALFLIFE2 that was the start of 2003. I was so so happy about it,

yep, I love the old days, everybody is so excited. I found this great site back in june 2003 and since then I am here. :D
My bro told me about HL2 coming out I think in September, 2003. Then I got excited but I wasn't THAT excited. But after the 30th rolled around and it didn't come out and said it was delayed I got more interested into it. Now i'm fully a fanboy of HL2. I absolutely can't wait for it to come out! So I kinda owe it to my bro. :|
I read on a gamesite I frequently visit that a gaming magazine had posted an advertisement with a crowbar and the shadow of that crowbar forming a "2". Some time later, there was a site that revealed the cover of the first preview slowly, the top part was blurred and everyday it unblurred a bit. Then it was sure it was about HL2.

This was the first screen I saw in the form of a blurry scan:
http://members.home.nl/roelvdeerden...e/Screenshots/Map without Walltextures 01.jpg
Funny enough, the first screenshot of HL2 released on the web was that of an unfinished untextured map.
when i first found out was a collage. i was in an I.T lesson and suddenly while looking through all the game sites a A big Preview of HL2 came out!

omg i was was stunned. i seriously was! i mean i couldn't believe the graphics..then when i was reading about it! well i just was laughing with joy!
when umm there was an ad in a magazine that had the crowbar+shadow that made a 2
I had the screenshots/movies before they were released to E3 (day or two before) and had them on my webspace for friends. Well it got out somehow, and we used 30GB in about 2 hours...


If I recall correctly we got slashdotted, and posted on some huge sweedish gaming site (that's how it started, and it spread from there)