Ahmadinejad calls for public negotiations with Obama


Mar 31, 2008
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Speaking at a meeting of medical school deans, Ahmadinejad said Iran "will soon pursue a new round of diplomatic activity" amid a new position of strength for the Iranian government, the Iranian Student News Agency quotes him as saying.

"I will go to the United Nations and will invite Obama to negotiations," Ahmadinejad said, adding that such talks would be "in front of the international media, not a sit-down behind closed doors in order to talk about matters."


This is very good news. There is still hope for peaceful negotiations. I hope Obama accepts. He'd be a hypocrite not to.
That is surprising. The only thing I have against making these "negotiations" public is that it becomes a who-can-throw-the-best-sound-byte contest, rather than a meaningful discussion for compromise.

That aside, this is pretty exciting news to me.
Great news.

I'm certain that this is a direct result of the Iran civilian revolting; their struggle did not go in vain.
I hope Obama will punch the little Ahmadinejad just like Abe Lincoln did to win worldwide fame
Negotiations are one thing, but what the **** does it matter when the negotiation terms you always put forth are absolutely ridiculous.
I read "public negotiations" as "public relations", like blowjobs in a park or something.

This is very good news. There is still hope for peaceful negotiations. I hope Obama accepts. He'd be a hypocrite not to.

I understand why you would call him a hypocrite, but Ahmadinejad is known for incredibly provocative and anti-semitic. Giving him that kind of attention would only be like handing him a megaphone for the entire world to hear.

The alternative side of this would be Obama laying a smackdown on Ahmadinejad, but something tells me as much as everyone would like that to happen it simply won't.
post 9/11 Iran offered to help the US and even use iran as a forward base for the invasion of iraq (in exchange for the US lifting sanctions on iran). Bush refused their help ...so this could be legit (specifically as a way of lifting the 30 year old sanctions)
post 9/11 Iran offered to help the US and even use iran as a forward base for the invasion of iraq (in exchange for the US lifting sanctions on iran). Bush refused their help ...so this could be legit (specifically as a way of lifting the 30 year old sanctions)

Well of course Iran would support attacking Iraq and help in any way they could. That SERVES them.
Well of course Iran would support attacking Iraq and help in any way they could. That SERVES them.

it would be ironic seeing as how the US helped saddam in it's war with iran. however I think economic reasons were at the forefront of their offer of help
I dont get why he would want these in front of the cameras. I think this asshole just wants publicity, he is not serious about real negotiations.
I dont get why he would want these in front of the cameras. I think this asshole just wants publicity, he is not serious about real negotiations.

Exactly, this is nothing but a PR stunt just like when he gave those live interviews on UK and US tv. He just wants to be seen as the good guy and he'll just suck up and say all the right things to make Iran look good. You don't do these things in public and they should always be done in private.
So are you supportive of public negotiations?

Also, I have no idea what you're referring to in your wiki link.
So are you supportive of public negotiations?

what does this have to do with anything?

Also, I have no idea what you're referring to in your wiki link.


CptStern said:
iran doesnt trust western media to not twist his words to mean something else? no that's never happened before

Many news sources repeated the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) statement that Ahmadinejad had demanded that "Israel must be wiped off the map",[5][6] an English idiom which means to "cause a place to stop existing",[7] or to "obliterate totally",[8] or "destroy completely".[9]

wiki said:
According to Cole [Juan Cole, a University of Michigan Professor of Modern Middle East and South Asian History], "Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to 'wipe Israel off the map' because no such idiom exists in Persian". Instead, "He did say he hoped its regime, i.e., a Jewish-Zionist state occupying Jerusalem, would collapse."

wiki said:
President Ahmadinejad has been asked to explain his comments at subsequent press conferences. At a later news conference on January 14, 2006, Ahmadinejad stated his speech had been exaggerated and misinterpreted
This seems to be a PR stunt and i'd bet your lives that nothing will come of it.
The topic

I fail to see how my OP gives any indication as to what my pov might be

See, that was much more informative than linking to a whole article of subsections, most of which are historical statements and not points of controversy over translation.

it's pretty well known that the whole wipe israel off the map was a mistranslation/misunderstanding. we've discussed it here several times
You guys really think Ahmadinejad is desperate for attention from the Western media? What, like he's the Paris Hilton of religious extremist power-crazy politicians?
no, I think it's his attempt at not having his words go through the filter of western media. the public eye would make honest men out of those involved in any public negotiation ...or so the theory goes
I'm talking to the guys saying it's a PR stunt just to get attention -.-
I fail to see how my OP gives any indication as to what my pov might be

I believe the point of the thread was to discuss people's opinions on the matter was (aka: the topic). Which is why his question related to the topic, because he was asking your stance on the subject. Of course, you have now answered indirectly by responding to another poster rather than replying directly to Absinthe's question.