

Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hello hello. My name is Rob, and I'm 17 years old (18 in December). I know about this place from a friend, and I'm exceptionally bored at the moment, so I figured I'd sign up. Woop woop. Anyways, my computer is currently down due to some failed surgery on it using a hacksaw and some wire cutters (hmm...), so I probably won't respond for a couple of days, as I won't have a computer to do so on.

Yeah, that's about it. [Insert pointless greeting here]
Welcome. Do stay. Better late than never.
oh yes,

There is only one hetairian tank in Munrograd!
*Points to shining beam of light* Hail, friend! Hello random peoples! I have no idea who anybody here is, so it'll take me a while to get introduced and shiz.

Also, I'm ordering my new mobo today, hoorah hoorah. So I'll be back in action quite soon.
I'm familiar with hacksaw and wire-cutter surgery. Usually I cut myself more than the computer, though...

Vote for me. [insert your political beliefs]