AI Chip in the works


May 27, 2003
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I told you all! ;),1697,1855137,00.asp

A chip designed purely for AI use is being created.

They need to release some sort of standardized AI SDK if they wish to succeed, or else the chip won't get that standardized, and it will fail due to everyone having different ways of using it.

See, we need to combine all these chips (physics, video, sound, AI, whatever else may come) and make one large "Gamers" chip. I mean seriously, there is no other use but gaming for these chips (oh, and military Simulations are technically games).

Can't wait to see what this thing can do :) I'm sick of crappy AI...
awsome that will be interesting to have in games soon that will be a requirement for games lol
I doubt it will be in any games soon (They PhysiX chip will come a LOT sooner).

They won't have the board done until 2006, and then they also have to work with developers to get some standards, drivers, etc... It's a lot of work to get new hardware launched.

So I guess we may see this being used in games in 2007, if it survives.
I wasn't deeply surprised. When they came up with the Physics chip, I knew people would use that idea in other fields
iam quiet positive about the idea of physics chips, and ai chips!
they are good ideas as they will take the work load of the cpu,
but i really hope they wont be charging rediculous amounts of money
for them.
come on like £300 -£400 pounds for a single component is really way to much.
this also includes CPU's and GPU's. iam talking about.
I hope they will be around 75/150 dollars? .. 250 maximum.
I really don't want to shell out alot mroe for physics and AI cards
With sound cards, video cards, physic cards, ai cards, and then with Vista having graphics acceration what will be the point of having a top of the line processor?
Just a question.
ehm.. windows? heavy load programs?
I think what he was trying to say is that there are so many components comming out, that games might not even need CPU's any more, apart from the initial execution of the game.

But, couldn't they just run the AI off the PhysX chips? The Physics chips can support 40,000+ objects at once, can they not? No game will have that many objects on screen at once, couldn't they just run the AI from the physics chip? I mean, its kinda the same, it controls the movement of objects... enemies are objects really.
But, couldn't they just run the AI off the PhysX chips? The Physics chips can support 40,000+ objects at once, can they not? No game will have that many objects on screen at once, couldn't they just run the AI from the physics chip? I mean, its kinda the same, it controls the movement of objects... enemies are objects really.
It's not just a universal processor, how the programmign behind it and such is strictly made for physics, just as the AI chip will be made for AI.
That's true. Didn't think of that. Couldn't they just make enemies in games hang about on string, like puppets and have the physics chip throw them about, as if they were dodging bullets ^_^ :D
Minerel said:
With sound cards, video cards, physic cards, ai cards, and then with Vista having graphics acceration what will be the point of having a top of the line processor?
Just a question.

Well, all these cards contribute to the game.

Imagine each card as like a section of an Orchestra. The CPU is the conductor, who leads the entire thing, finds out what to do next, sends instructions to those cards and then gets the results back and orders them, and then they get displayed on screen.

A fast CPU will get those instructions out faster, and in larger chunks, so you can get more things done in less ammount of time.
Well, all these cards contribute to the game.

Imagine each card as like a section of an Orchestra. The CPU is the conductor, who leads the entire thing, finds out what to do next, sends instructions to those cards and then gets the results back and orders them, and then they get displayed on screen.

A fast CPU will get those instructions out faster, and in larger chunks, so you can get more things done in less ammount of time.
I guess, but what im saying is this,
What if we have cards for everything.... Yet the CPU can easily handle giving commands and things...will we one day just not need faster cpu's?
Obviously there will be a breaking point where speed increases won't really matter anymore, but that is a LONG ways off, as in decades easily.

But then by that time, they can probably but all the cards, and put everything onto a single chip :) That is the perfect method for these things. You don't have to worry about bandwith limitations when sending data across your mobo.
ok, so we now have a GPU, a PPU, and an AIPU to put on the mobo. Eventually, there'll be too many things to put on, so they'll combine them all and call it a "processor". Then the cycle will start all over again.
Plus, upcoming support for dual processors in games (not quite yet, but now that the dual core processors are out, it will definitely be in the works) which will mean there will be a second processor available to do all of those things anyways (i know these add-on chips are designed specifically for those tasks) but i mean come on !!! We will need to buy new mobo's with uber numbers of slots to fit everything in soon !!!!