

Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
On HL1 when you shoot a Marine, he would run off injured to quickly recover. The Marines would crouch around corners and give each other cover fire aswell as throw grenades and retreat if a grenade was thrown at them.

I play HL2 in Hard and Combine just stand in front of me and shoot me? I run away and they follow you and still stand in front of you shooting? When I throw grenades they strafe a few feet and still stand shooting.

I don't know if they are ment to do that, I hope it is my game so if there are any settings/console commands to stop them being retarded I ask you?

To be honost, I think the AI is worse than HL1 and from watching all the videos it was all scripted to make it look like good AI.

Do they do this to you sometimes?
No offence, do a search, this has been discussed to death.

Mixed feelings really, some prefer HL1 AI, some prefer HL2's. meh
This has been discussed a million times
Search for 'combine A. I. understood' thread and you'll see
Found it thanks, makes sense but I prefer shooting clever Combine that are at least trained to do combat skills and no fear rather than a retard with no fear.

Abit boring really just fodder. I hope someone can make a mod' for those who like a good piece of AI to battle. :)
HL2 AI is better, FACT. People think HL1 is better because they have more health.
if you increase the combines health, you can actually see the AI taking effect, and its VERY smart
Yeah, they organize fire teams, its a lot more realistic even if they're a bit fearless.
Well, Marines in hl1 human. Combine are unhuman, they have no real fear of death.
cant find it, can anyone tell me the link?

+ is there way to increase the combines health? i want to see if it makes any difference in my thoughts
I went back and played half life 1 recently. I was surprised at how dumb the AI was. I remember it being so good but… by today’s standards… it’s bad.
bat_lyubo said:
This has been discussed a million times
Search for 'combine A. I. understood' thread and you'll see

That's got to be the dumbest thread i've ever read. The guy thinks that everything in a game has to have a real world meaning, when it's plain and simple that the combine AI wasn't scripted for the situations VALVe places them in.

The combine AI is truly magnificent, given the right situation.

To show you what I mean, load up Gmod (default map) and make a little large scare war between the combine and the rebells. Combine on and under the platform by the pool, rebels inside of the garage, and a few snipers outside. Don't forget to balance their weaponry, like a few combine snipers with annabelles, and a few with assault rifles.

Now turn AI on, and watch the combine AI. They'll form little firesquads and send their firesquads to the other end of the map, to get a closer shot on the humans. But the firesquad generally wont move too far up unless you provide some form of cover there.

It's really amazing watching them in fullscale war. Grouping together and sometimes trying to go through the little building next to them, so as the flank/surprise the humans.

I think it's clear to see that the combine AI was scripted to handle large scale warfare, and battle on wide open maps. But the situations we mostly see them in are small fierce fire fights and closed hallways and rooms.

In NovaProspekt they behave really good for example. NovaProspekt from HL2 Substance I mean.
The Combine AI is actually really great, it's just the player tends to run at them with a shotgun, their, bullets bouncing off near-inpenetrable armour. Which rather sends all their cunning tactics up in smoke.
HL1 Marines being smart about grenades? The last time I played HL1, they were pretty good with blowing themselves and their teammates up. Kind of like me in CS.
D€vIL² said:
Well, Marines in hl1 human. Combine are unhuman, they have no real fear of death.
Well thats cleared that up then! :thumbs: You wonder why Valve bother with A.I. at all with ridiculous statments like this!
dogboy73 said:
Well thats cleared that up then! :thumbs: You wonder why Valve bother with A.I. at all with ridiculous statments like this!


sinkoman said:
The combine AI is truly magnificent, given the right situation.

It's really amazing watching them in fullscale war. Grouping together and sometimes trying to go through the little building next to them, so as the flank/surprise the humans.

I think it's clear to see that the combine AI was scripted to handle large scale warfare, and battle on wide open maps. But the situations we mostly see them in are small fierce fire fights and closed hallways and rooms.
That's an interesting perspective on the HL2 A.I. I also thought that the A.I. in HL1 seemed better but then I thought maybe it's the maps & the way the A.I. responds to it that dramatically effects the A.I. behaviour. From what your saying this would seem to be the case to some extent. To what extent? I suppose it's a little difficult to gauge the effectiveness of good A.I. It's often easy to spot really bad A.I. because your opponents do really stupid things like just standing there whilst getting shot to death ................ Like the combine often do :|
In the source code for the combine AI, there is a comment about how they will charge at the player frequently because it made for more fun gravity gun battles because they are up close and in front of you.
I found the AI in HL2 to be fine. Certainly better than what most games put out. They flanked, they dispersed, they grouped together... truly some great battles with them.
I like the Ai in HL2. It's good and fun and maybe a little different and out of the box.
sinkoman said:
I think it's clear to see that the combine AI was scripted to handle large scale warfare, and battle on wide open maps. But the situations we mostly see them in are small fierce fire fights and closed hallways and rooms.

Yeh, but the problem is, there are barely any large scale firefights in the game, so implementing an AI system that behaves well in a situation that never arises in the game seems like a mistake.
I think this is where Valve went wrong and why threads like this were created.
J_Tweedy said:
Yeh, but the problem is, there are barely any large scale firefights in the game, so implementing an AI system that behaves well in a situation that never arises in the game seems like a mistake.
I think this is where Valve went wrong and why threads like this were created.
Aftermath hopefully?
Here's hoping- nothing better in a FPS experience than to walk into a huge firefight and lob a grenade into the masses of horded enemies.
Sadly i wouldn't count on it though- seems like Aftermath is going to be a dark, creepy and sneaky escape throught the underground, encountering enemies 2 or 3 at a time- thats the feeling i get so far anyway.
Time will tell. A LOT of time where Valve is concerned buuhuuhaha!
J_Tweedy said:
Here's hoping- nothing better in a FPS experience than to walk into a huge firefight and lob a grenade into the masses of horded enemies.
Sadly i wouldn't count on it though- seems like Aftermath is going to be a dark, creepy and sneaky escape throught the underground, encountering enemies 2 or 3 at a time- thats the feeling i get so far anyway.
Time will tell. A LOT of time where Valve is concerned buuhuuhaha!
And runnig through bright, wide open streets crowded with hordes of antlions.
If I duck behind an object, right in front of Combine they seem to forget where I'am and just camp.
ahh Modified humans you know... Don't expect them to be smart
I swear it's getting to the point where I think people are making up some of the problems they encounter with the Combine troops, just out of some rose-tinted glasses syndrome for the 'good ole days' of HL1 AI. On 4 runs through the game, the absolute only problem I had with the AI was that they were occasionally a little slow to respond when I burst in on them, and that sometimes one might get 'stuck'.

They use cover, they try to flush the player out of hiding places, and they DO run away! I've had it happen quite a few times. If a soldier survives a double-barreled blast by the skin of his teeth, sometimes he will turn tail and try to avoid taking any more fire. I replayed that bridge/forcefield/apc-area shootout loads of times, and once after killing all but one of the soldiers, I found the last one in the barn, half-dead, doing what can only be described as hiding.

Far better than HL1 when I would start to unload my mp5 into a soldier's face and he would squat there gurning at me until he eventually fell over (after surviving so long that it made my guns feel completely flimsy and useless, especially on Hard).

If I duck behind an object, right in front of Combine they seem to forget where I'am and just camp.

They wont forget where you are, but they don't have a magic ability to sniff you out anywhere after having seen you just once. Quite often in a chaotic shootout I have popped out on an unsuspecting Combine who was facing away from me, looking in totally the wrong place. This might make it less challenging, but IMO it is far more realistic and fun, especially when I can sneak up and flatten his head with a radiator.
I think the main thing people are forgetting is that the AI is a piece of code that adheres to specific rules. It is by no means human nor anywhere such a level. It is fallible. It will **** up sometimes. It's by no means perfect, but then you need to stop and think what AI is.

The Combine's intelligence is more than enough for HL2. It's certainly better than HL1's. It lives up to today's standards.

I have to agree with some previous posters here. HL1's AI, while exceptional for its time, does not hold up any more. And the grunts took an absurd amount of firepower before dying (perhaps adding to the illusion that you're facing an exceptionally difficult enemy).
Over all I found the AI easy, but that is simply becuase they go down with minimal damage, however, I do not think they are poorly coded. I do think the implementation of rebels (following you when you want them to do exactly what you tell them) is rather crappy. I find that combine give good covering fire, however they dont always advance with covering fire.
I wish that the battles felt more intense and real. Every combine soldier would trot over to you firing their weapon just begging for a shotgun blast. They sucked at taking cover properly and even finding you.

If I pop up from hiding from behind some cover and blast a couple combine soldiers as the others turn, see me and fire on me, then drop back behind the cover...I expect them to either keep me pinned down while more come to flank or at least come find me. Instead they might just walk around the area they're standing maybe getting a better view. Maybe if they're lucky they'll come one by one to the EXACT same spot and try to get me. I had a demo on this where combine would just line up to be killed. I killed 6 soliders without having to touch my keyboard or move my mouse. Just click click click, dead, click click click, dead, etc.

Most battles in HL2 were close quarters or not very large-scale. Valve should've tailored the AI to the situations they're dropping enemies into.
Just played through some of the key battles in HL2 .......... Sorry but the A.I. good or bad, doesn't offer a decent enough challange. HL2, even on HARD, is largely a piece of piss so the A.I. must be doing something wrong. We need more of a challenge. HL2's lack of challenge has for me always been it's weakest point. Could that be changed with better A.I.?
The only really crappy thing I noticed about the AI is you can stand in a room and they (the Combine troops) will one by one come through the doorway or around the corner and eat a shotgun blast to the head. You would think that after seeing the guy in front of 'em get wasted that they'd back up and lob a grenade instead. I can cream the AI now, but I still find it pretty fun.
What do you guys expect? Your battling your way through thousands of troops. If it wasn't balanced towards winning, you'd have no hope.

Do you really want every single enemy to have real life intelligence? Should it be like going up against real guys? I'd like to see someone here take out 20 swat teams in a row for real. Try attacking a bunch of army guys on the underside of a bridge. Yeah, you'd be wasted. They have to be kind of stupid.. just like Gordon has to be able to take more than 1-2 bullets..
The Combine may have an excuse but not your allies.

REBEL 1: Hey I'm gonna go try to take down those two Strider's with my MP7.
REBEL 2: I'll go join you.
Me {Pressing C to the corner}: GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!
REBEL 1: What did you say Dr. Freeman? I can't hear you through my gunfire. Hey look the Strider is turning around now should I move or....
SFX: {Death Scream}

{Rocket Firing}
MEDIC: Here Dr. Freeman have a medki....
{Rocket explodes onto Medic who ran into my fired rocket.}
HEV: Warning! Seek medical help immediately.
Me: Aggh!
MEDIC:'s a miracle, the missile hit me and exploded but I'am unharmed!
Me: Aggh!
DoctorWeeTodd said:
The Combine may have an excuse but not your allies.

REBEL 1: Hey I'm gonna go try to take down those two Strider's with my MP7.
REBEL 2: I'll go join you.
Me {Pressing C to the corner}: GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!
REBEL 1: What did you say Dr. Freeman? I can't hear you through my gunfire. Hey look the Strider is turning around now should I move or....
SFX: {Death Scream}

{Rocket Firing}
MEDIC: Here Dr. Freeman have a medki....
{Rocket explodes onto Medic who ran into my fired rocket.}
HEV: Warning! Seek medical help immediately.
Me: Aggh!
MEDIC:'s a miracle, the missile hit me and exploded but I'am unharmed!
Me: Aggh!
It's funny because it's true.