AIMS Testing is stupid!

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards

So we all have to take and pass the test to graduate, to pass we have to meet the standard with a certain point score in Reading, Writing, and Math.

So I got my results back today. Reading and writing were graded at meets, a 753 and 710.

Math was exceeds the standard at 792. I missed a total of 7 on the entire math portion of the test out of 166.

I passed the test, but it angers me. Math is my worst subject, I hate it, it doesn't come easy to me. Writing and reading should have been exceeds if anything.

On my essay, I got the same score as Deathseeker(Princess Jen.)

In his essay, he put, and this is exact. "Hey all you cool cats this is P Jizzle" and "lol!11one" (ones and all :/ )

The grading system for essays is retarded and the reading questions are too opinionated. Bah!
So is all state examination my freind. Fight the power! :bounce:
i had to take the damned test too. didnt stop me from graduating, but my god it was stupid. they had a correction page... things were that out of order.
This is ****ing bullshit. He got a higher grade than me in writing. I was given 710 and he was given 723.

"Hey all you cool cats this is P Jizzle" "lol!11one"

Screw this state can't even do tests :/
ahahahaha that's hilarious, good ol' Princess Jen

*edit* ahahahahaha brian peppers
I missed 1 question on the FCAT. It was stupidly easy.
Someone once told me that grades aren't based on how smart you are, but how much effort you put into it... then I walked away from that person.
Jst cus I gotz t3h_AIMS_micro don'7 mean u gotz ta 8 postin tis, mmkay?
you see, thats why England rocks!

.....even though there's isn't god-like either.