

Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Since we've had a lot of AoC threads, I think Aion deserves one as well. I feel that it's shaping up to be an enjoyable MMO with interesting combat, vibrant visuals, great character animations, and hopefully a lot of content. A lot of you probably don't like this type of MMO, but for those of you that do:


Developed by: NCsoft
Current Stage: Closed Beta (South Korea)
Release Date: TBA
More info: Aion Source

"In Aion: The Tower of Eternity, players must choose a side between two warring factions: the Elyos or the Asmodians. Once their world was whole; a perfect union joined at the center by The Tower of Eternity. When a great catastrophe shattered The Tower of Eternity, it split the world into two halves - and awoke the Balaur, a warring race exiled within the extra-dimensional Abyss. The Balaur now seek revenge on both of these new worlds, sparking an epic conflict. The part you play, the side you choose and the decisions you make will help determine the ultimate fate of Aion."







General Info:

- Aion will feature both PvE and PvP combat. PvE raiding will consist of both large scale and small scale.
- Proposed level cap is 50.
- The ability to fly will first be obtained at level 10. From then on it can be upgraded to increase flight time (possibly speed as well)
- There will be about 10 different professions, including enchanting, tailoring, and smithing.
- 8 total classes.

System Requirements (Korean Closed Beta):


- CPU: Pentium 4 2.8GHz or AMD Athlon 2800+
- RAM: 512MB
- VGA: GeForce 5700 or Radeon 9600, DirectX 9c or higher
- Hard Drive: 20GB available space
- Windows XP or Vista


- CPU: Pentium 4 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3000+
- RAM: 1GB
- VGA: GeForce 6600 or Radeon x1550, DirectX 9c or higher
- Hard Drive: 20GB available space
- Windows XP or Vista


Names will be the same for both Elyos and Asmodians. Four "schools" of classes. At the beginning, you choose a school, and later you can specialize by picking a class within that school.

School of Warriors

- Fighter

Fighters are flexible in their choice of weaponry. They're able to wield many kinds of close-combat weapons depending on the situation. Their combat style is relatively easy to learn. This isn't to say that it is an easy class to master. With some flair they can outshine even the fanciest damage-dealing classes.

- Knight

It's unfortunate that in most MMO games the tank is conceptually attractive but not so fun to actually play. The classes in Aion are classic in some ways, but they all have their quirks that make them stand out from the archetype. With the Knight, players will see different shades of the class as it absorbs more and more damage. It's truly a different sort of tank melee class.

School of Scouts

- Ranger

Ranger is a utility class with many tricks up its sleeve, such as laying traps and sniping from afar. It's a well-rounded class with both melee and ranged skills as well as an ability to heal itself. Careful assessment of the situation is needed for a ranger to shine, for its many abilities can as easily get in the way for an unskilled player. Can stealth !

- Assassin

We can more or less sum up the assassin class with the words: watch your back! Big damage within a short span of time - that's what the assassin is all about. However to get that proper use out of an assassin, swift positioning is extremely important. Can stealth too ! but assassin will probably use more skills based on it

School of Mages

- Wizard

A powerful magic class with deadly nuking skills, but also extremely fragile up close. A wizard might prefer to be in a party for survivability, but with some skill it could also be a fast solo class.

- SpiritMaster

A Spiritmaster is not your ordinary summoner. As their previous name suggested, their tool of trade are the elementals that they manipulate at will. Get intimate enough with the elementals and you might very well become one.

School of Clerics

- Priest

Priests are, of course, the masters of recovery. They posses many healing skills to aid their kin, but that's not all. With a solid set of skill combinations and a number of melee skills they may surprise you in the right situation.

- Chanter

As a cleric, chanters can also heal to a certain extent, but their specialty is in mysterious chants that boost the morale of nearby players. They're also known for effective melee skill combinations and all-around usefulness. It should be an attractive class for those that like to do it all.

Combos & Divine Power

- Combos

- Certain active attack skills/spells only become available after you successfully land a particular skill/spell. This way you're able to chain 2-3(maybe more) skills in succession which may result in extra damage inflicted.
- For instance, fighters should be able to use the skills Explosive stike(attack skill) -> Stun strike(knocks enemy over) -> chance strike(attacks fallen enemy)
- Those 3 skills have to be chained in that order because Stun strike won't open up until explosive strike has successfully landed.
- Rangers also get a similar 3 hit combo attack similar to the fighter. Priests have an AoE spell combo that knocks all enemies over followed by an attack spell. But you get the basic idea now.. its just chaining certain skills to inflict lots of damage in a short amount of time and watching the cool flashy animations.

- Divine Power

- It is said that Divine Power (DP) is a powerful skill that is able to turn the tides of a PvP battle.
- The DP gauge located under the character's HP and MP bar fills up as you hunt regular monsters and must be at 100% to activate the skill.
- When you release the DP skill (the skill is called DP explosion or something like that), it will do large amounts of damage to multiple monsters around you.
- The skill has a slow casting time so you may be exposed to incoming attacks during this time.
- You should also be careful as the skill will hit any monsters within a certain range and any monsters that get hit will aggro you.
- The DP gauge doesn't decrease if you dont hunt, so you'll be able to conserve it as you move around hunting zones.
- As the DP gauge fills up, the amount of damage you do to monsters also increases.
- DP gauge reset when you disconnect, but you can transfer it to another char.







07 Trailer
Combat Trailer
Locales Trailer
PvP video
Progression of Spiritmaster Summons and other bits
Emote Collection
Random PvE

Class videos (DivX):

Man, I wish I had time for a MMO, this one looks somewhat interesting. I'd even try out a demo, perhaps.
Wow. I love the design and art style, looks much more appealing than WoW to me. I may give it a try when it comes out.
Looks really good. But I'm not a huge fan of wings. Even though they look cool though.
At least the art style isn't generic like a lot of other MMO's.
Actually, the art style looks extremely generic for a Far Eastern (especially Korean) RPG. I'd take a stab and say that the designer is MAGGI, or at least someone else with an identical art style that would prove my point even further.

Also, don't the rules clearly state that Korean MMORPGs should never, under any circumstances, play better than they look? I was under the impression that they're always absolute rubbish. And by MMORPG standards, that usually involves the creation of singularities of ultimate suckage.
There are exceptions to the rule. Although currently I am not involved in any MMOs there have been a few good ones in the past that died merely for being in a crowded market.
Actually, the art style looks extremely generic for a Far Eastern (especially Korean) RPG.
I disagree. I play almost all of those Korean MMO's when they have a trial. The colours seem similar but the objects/characters look far nicer.

Wikipedia says it's using the CryEngine.

Korean MMO's do usually suck, but I've never played Lineage so I've no idea if it was any good.
Yup this is the mmo that is using CryEngine 1. I really like the art style.
Here's another interesting tidbit:

Characteristics & Stigma:

- The developers do not want players to have to worry about character attributes (such as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution…), which is why attributes are automated and controlled by the game.
- One of the things differentiating characters is the “Stigma” system. Stigma is a sort of stone containing the memories of a Daeva. A Stigma stone will, in a nutshell, allow players to, by the use of different slots, create unique characters with skills or equipment from other classes. Examples of the combinations that can be acquired by utilizing this system are Wizards wearing heavy armour or maybe Assassins knowing how to teleport
- Stigma is available from around level 20. There are limitations which will be revealed at a later point.
- 5 Stats given by armor : Magical defence, Physical defence, Focus, Evasion & Mana.

Stigma sounds very interesting. I'd imagine it's going to be tricky to make it balanced though.
Wow, nice post. It has been on my "watchlist" for some time as it certainly looks interesting.
Great post. Though I have to agree with the naysayers about the art - though it may be beautiful it's certainly not original or refreshing in any way. It reminds me of other krpgs and generic, cutesy fantasy. The elephant like creatures strike me as original and pretty damn cool though.
I love the art in this game. Even if it isn't anything new, the vibrant environments, awesome spell effects, and beautiful character animations really jump out at me. I can tell that NCSoft is really spending their time on this one.
Actually, the art style looks extremely generic for a Far Eastern (especially Korean) RPG. I'd take a stab and say that the designer is MAGGI, or at least someone else with an identical art style that would prove my point even further.

Also, don't the rules clearly state that Korean MMORPGs should never, under any circumstances, play better than they look? I was under the impression that they're always absolute rubbish. And by MMORPG standards, that usually involves the creation of singularities of ultimate suckage.
Is that why korean mmorpgs are famous in japan and china?

I guess they have different taste compared to western gamers.

Another reason why they should never sell games in western world.
I wouldn't worry about Aion being too deeply rooted in the Asian MMO stereotype. NCSoft now has a North American office in Austin, TX, as well as a Euro office. I believe they said that they wanted to make a game that appeals to a wide variety of people.