


Hey.. I play paintball now and am thinking about getting into airsoft.. anyone know any good websites?

Also what is best. Electric..spring.. or gas? I guess I am looking more for a pistol that is around 80 bucks.. anyone have any advice?
KidRock said:
I used to but I ran out of people to play with :(
Don't be a pussy about, join a league. I think there are some in Asia...but I don't know where...
KidRock said:
I used to but I ran out of people to play with :(

Haha, that is awesome :E

I used to have an airsoft Glock 17. Was gonna go for a Beretta but this was back when I was way big into Half Life :D
KidRock said:
Hey.. I play paintball now and am thinking about getting into airsoft.. anyone know any good websites?

Also what is best. Electric..spring.. or gas? I guess I am looking more for a pistol that is around 80 bucks.. anyone have any advice?

The most commonly used are called AEG. They're the electic rifles. You can get a good gas blow back pistol for about 80 but the gas gets expensive. If you get a spring or Eletric pistol the cost won't be as much. The bad thing about the spring one are that you have to pull back the slide to put a pellet in the chamber each time to shoot so it can get tideous but you don't have any costs besides pellets. Another good thing about the spring guns is that they only cost about 30 bucks and they're just as string as the other guns.

If you live in the US you must have the tip of the gun painted orange and all company trademarks taken off the gun. If you don't you can't use it in public or else you'll be arrested. All foreign companies will automatically do this for you when they see you're ordering from the US. You can request that it not be done but there's a high posibility that it will be seized by customs.

I don't know many sites but here are a couple:
I have an electric Steyr Aug...but I usuall play paintball. More fun =)
what kind of airsoft gun you buy really depends on your tastes, and what capabilities you want.

Spring powers guns (generally called 'Springers') are generally cheaper, simply because they are simplier, and really, only good for plinking cans in your backyard. They're nice to look at, but aren't suitable for gameplay, as they are single shot.

The most popular types of guns are AEGs and GBBs.

AEG (Automatic Electric Gun), are electrically motorized fully automatic BB guns. They range from WW2 guns to every rifle from CS and beyond. They are the most expensive, but the most useful.

GBB (Gas-Blow Back) are generally pistols (or machine pistols) that are powered by Green Gas (not CO2) and have a slide that racks back like a real pistol.

The most trusted companies are Tokyo Marui, and KSC.

All the guns are highly realistic. Magazines are relatively expensive, so best to get a few high-capacity mags. If you have money to burn and want to go all realistic, then you can spend the money on the normal mags, but be prepared to do lots of reloading, and sometimes losing mags. Magazines tend to be manufacture specific.

Also, definately get a set of camos, US Woodland is a good all-around outdoor pattern. You'll probably want to get a LBV (load-bearing vest) or swat vest to hold all your stuff. Get googles, or use your paintball face protection.

hmm... that's about all I know. Hope that helps.
But, what is it actually?
Is it some guys playing real life CS with guns that shoot eh, little plastic balls?
Forau said:
But, what is it actually?
Is it some guys playing real life CS with guns that shoot eh, little plastic balls?
It sucks to be hit with those "little plastic balls"

I was thinking of getting this one :

But a question for you people that own similar ones...what is the average rate of fire for one like that? It's AEG
Icarus said:
It sucks to be hit with those "little plastic balls"

I was thinking of getting this one :

But a question for you people that own similar ones...what is the average rate of fire for one like that? It's AEG

You can go to then go to products then AEG. Select the Tokyo Marui M4/M16 Section then find the M4A1 and it's $220.00. It's only 280 FPS but if you pay $145.00 they'll upgrade it to 400 FPS. That's $365.00, which is cheaper and more powerful than that other site. Also, it's the best Airsoft producing company (Tokyo Mauri).
Well, I've never bought one so I wouldn't know :p. Recoil knows more than me so trust him lol.

Also, tunings are not necessary imo. At least not for newbies; as someone already said, TM is the best general manufacturer and normal TM AEGs have about 285fps which is quite enough for a normal game. Tunings usually are used for snipers or support fire. Anything else hurts a lot on short ranges :D I don't really know much about the US-airsoftscene (had the impression that Americans like to go full throttle regarding the power ;)), but here in middle-to-western europe people play mostly untuned, except for some crazy steel-ball-denmarks^^ ; though Classic Army and ICS guns are usually a bit stronger.

If you want a good and simple handgun, KidRock, take any Glocks or Berettas from KSC. Gas, of course, electrics are way too weak and cheap.
i got shot in the arm at point blank with my friends spring powered bbgun, it hurt and left a mark that didnt go away for weeks. Im glad it wasnt a gas powered airgun or something, that wouldnt have been funny.
Most rules say: NO shooting from a distance less than 5m!
Hey but why can't there be made airsoft guns that shoot paintball thingies, cause that would hurt less, mark you're target if they are shot, and you wouldn't have to use those stupid looking paintball guns.
I'm sure it can be done, cause i saw on discovery a program where the FBI used that shit for training.
Grey Fox said:
Hey but why can't there be made airsoft guns that shoot paintball thingies, cause that would hurt less, mark you're target if they are shot, and you wouldn't have to use those stupid looking paintball guns.
I'm sure it can be done, cause i saw on discovery a program where the FBI used that shit for training.

You can get airsoft paintballs bb's, but if they break in the gun you're done for apparently... I wouldn't know though, never played airsoft

Paintball > airsoft ;)


Nah, I actually want to take up airsoft. I'm not paintballing as much as I used to ( ;( ), and I need some other, similar game to keep me occupied, but I dunno. I don't know anyone who airsofts, and I've nowhere to play near me
Concerning Airsoft, what does the FPS for stand for? You were talking about 400fps.
Feet per second. How fast the BB is flying.

For the paintball people: there are some guns, called RAMs. They're most realistic, shooting paintballs from shells which get ejected etc. There are only few models, yet, MP5A4, M4A1 and a Glock 17 AFAIR. Google a bit, you'll find them. Not sure about legality though
RAMs are crap. They are unreliable and have very low range. I've seen one and I'm not impressed. If you want maximum realism without turning up in a body bag by the end of the day, go Airsoft. If you want a fun game without all the hassel, go paintball. I'm a paintballer personally, I own a Tippmann A5. Very solid gun. 10,000 rounds and counting, not a single chop or jam so far. I've put a lot of money into my gun and it performs almost as good as the high-end guns. Actually, I sometimes laugh at all the guys with Autocockers and Angels when they are slaving over their guns, trying to fix their leaky macrolines or trying to clean their overly complex gas systems when all I do is I put some oil on my bolt and I'm good to go. The reason people hate Tippmann's so much is because they get pwned by them so much. And 30BPS doesn't mean shit. First of all, 99% of fields don't allow full-autos and second of all, the fastest you can do with a very short trigger is 20BPS so don't give me that "my gun shoots faster than your gun" crap.
Under circumstances... it can... yes. There was a picture of some Asian guy hit pretty bad in the face... the guy's face looked like the moon... ;)
Paintballs can really f*ck up your face, that's why you have to wear full face protection. Airsoft isn't as bad, but you still need eye protection. But wear a mask and a cup anyway.

@Kid Rock: Get either a decent springer or a GBB gun, don't get the electric pistols, they break very fast. For $80 you can get a very good springer or a decent GBB.
wait I'm confused, what hurts more bb or painball, I would think bb cause that are solid oblects, but now I'm confused.
Generally: Paintball, I'd say. Though you can't really compare... both can hurt a friggin lot. Similar to say .45ACP hurts more than .40S&W or so... :) can both kill you.
I've been shot in the back at point blank range only wearing a t-shirt by a BB gun and it stung quite a bit, but it wasn't really all that bad. They don't hurt, they just sting, sometimes badly. The only time it really bothered me was when I got shot in the back of my hand in the freezing cold :x
Paintballs are much bigger, but they go slower (200-300FPS), BB's go at about 400FPS. Paintballs are heavier and they drop faster, so at about 100ft, a BB is gonna hurt more than a paintball. At close range, it's hard to tell, BB's will probably sting more since they go faster and effect a much more concentrated area of impact, while paintballs go slower but are bigger and effect a larger area. They make the hurt spread out more :)