ak103 resources

Wow. Are you blind or jsut an idiot. I mena they are great pics but

a) you don't have to announce that you have a source on these boards for a single gun.

and, more importantly

b) DID YOU NOT SEE THE POSTS DOWN THAT SAYS "AK-103" THAT I MADE AWHILE AGO? you could have jsut added to that thread instead of wasting forum space and making a new one.
eh, i'm tired, jsut got done tlaking with people who didn't make me happy, and as the moderator of many forum, i absolutuly HATE it when people post thread on the same thign RIGHT ABOVE A THREAD THAT YOU COULD HAVE JUST ADDED TO!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!

whew. i feel better now.
aye, we now Sidewinder please, relax, I was actually going to ask for a sticky to be made to go to that referance site, as it was started by the forums own Vakuum, (based on my idea :D)...but the link would of been to the actual main site,

Remember people keepposting those referance images there, for people, make VAKUUMS REFERANCE the only site to go to :p

Oh and mindless....be more careful next time buddy :p
i saw ur pitiful execuse for ak103 pics and i just wanted to make my own does it really matter ? i wanted to make my first thread wtf ? jeez this is wht u get for contributing.

EDIT: and i made a NEW thread about it here so that people could gain acess to it for modeling jeez
It only matters to me because, as a moderator of many forums, i hate it when people could have jsut added to a thread instead of making a new one.

i saw ur pitiful execuse for ak103 pics and i just wanted to make my own does it really matter

My understandign of the ide aof the forums is to have a thread for each weapon, and poeple add to the threads when they have pictures, which would have been ideal in your case.

*EDIT* I actually don't mind that oyu made a thread here, i was jsut ventng. corlatteral damage :(
thaknk you its just that i had just registered today and wanted to make my own thread.