Al-Qaida Leader in Saudi Arabia Killed...


May 9, 2004
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...while disposing of hostage's body.

How wonderfully ironic - hope he's enjoying his time in hell.
Yeah he's probably being forced to skinny dip in the lake of fire right now. Justice...
Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought.
CrazyHarij said:
Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought.

This man deserved to die. It has nothing to do with Americans being stupid or narrowminded. Just take a look at his handiwork:

*Sorry Too graphic. PM for the link*
ffs, I dont care how annoyed you are with what they did you shouldnt post links like that.

Its ****ing horrible shit and isnt something anyone should have to see.
Thanks for removeing. I would hate for a younger member to see that kind of thing.

And yeah, I am glad he is dead. I personally dont think that is narrow minded at all....

The more that die doing this kind of thing the fewer will consider it in the future in my opinion. Well lets hope so anyway.
"only if his actions were proportional to what he used to do"

Well - let's see, I think that taking a hostage and murdering said hostage in DIRECT VIOLATION OF WHAT YOUR HOLY BOOK SAYS pretty much makes any "good" you may have done in your life up to that point pretty damned moot.
Good riddance to them, the world doesnt need people like this. I hope they wipe them all out. These people have no souls so it doesnt matter. Im happy to see Saudi soldiers doing something. Put yourself in the position of the family members of the one who got his head ripped off, wouldnt you be happy with this ? You know you would, i sure would be happy about it, screw the terrorists, let them all die, i wouldnt care.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
ffs, I dont care how annoyed you are with what they did you shouldnt post links like that.

Its ****ing horrible shit and isnt something anyone should have to see.

I gave a warning. You didn't "have" to see it. Don't click on it if you think you'll be disgusted. Actually you should be disgusted. Every civilized person on earth should be disgusted.
I know there was a warning. I guess I wanted to check to see if it was actually the pictures before I said anything.

And yes you should be disgusted. And yes I know you posted them to make a point.

But you didnt need to.
I unfortunately clicked the link (to check) and the first pciture i saw was horrible....That scary thing is it looked like something out of a film but when it hits you that its a real human and not just some latex recreation...Its just too much.
Glad they were removed before I saw em... whatever they were. That kinda stuff makes me sick to my stomach.
I believe the pics were a link to a website that posted the poor man's remains.

I would have much rather have a link to the Al-Qaida's leader's body if one existed.
Raziaar said:
Glad they were removed before I saw em... whatever they were. That kinda stuff makes me sick to my stomach.

They are pictures of the American military contractor that was decapitated by this Abdulaziz al-Moqrin hours before he was subsequently killed by Saudi special forces.
I believe the pics were a link to a website that posted the poor man's remains.

It wasn't a link to some sketchy gore website. It was a link to the Drudge Report, which is a highly respected news site. It's a news story, I didn't post the link to be intentionally offensive.
CrazyHarij said:
Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought.

You think your better, everyone is equal, so quit with the stereo types asshole.
CrazyHarij said:
Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought.

Yeah, its ironic that by posting something like that you are being quite narrowminded yourself. I like you Crazy, but that is just ludicrous.
CrazyHarij said:
Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought.

I find that comment bitingly ironic as to the person who's making it... :dozey:
"Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought."

So much for the "enlightened" and "progressive" Swedish society.

Then again, what do I know? I'm just a barbaric, narrow-minded, gun-toting, church-going, right-wing Republican, militaristic, reacationary American - who happens to be voting for John Kerry in November :)
Wow....I really am amazed at how most threads turn into good US bad US rants...I am myself recently guilty of this (CptStern can testify to that;)) but Its just astonishing how people manage to do this. Does anyone have anything to say with regards to the actual topic?
Thanks, I love you too..

The thing is:

hope he's enjoying his time in hell.

Yeah he's probably being forced to skinny dip in the lake of fire right now. Justice... very narrowminded, even dumb, to say. Razier and SFLUFAN hasn't been affected by this guy in any single way, he wasn't even involved in the 9/11 stuff, but still you say stuff that gives me the impression that you really hate this guy, for no reason.

I don't know all of what he did, he may have killed hundreds of people indirectly, but still saying stuff most people only say to those they hate deeply isn't really appropriate for the situation.

But yeah, it was very bad of me to generalise and say "you americans". Can you forgive me? :(
Sorry about that...didn't mean to go off on a rant.

I started the topic so I suppose I should say this:

Good riddance to bad rubbish...I hope when he came face to face with Allah, he saw his victim being welcomed into Paradise with open arms while the Gates of Heaven were shut to him and he realized that he would spend Eternity being tormented by Satan and the demons in the Lake of Fire.
"Razier and SFLUFAN hasn't been affected by this guy in any single way, he wasn't even involved in the 9/11 stuff, but still you say stuff that gives me the impression that you really hate this guy, for no reason.

I don't know all of what he did, he may have killed hundreds of people indirectly, but still saying stuff most people only say to those they hate deeply isn't really appropriate for the situation."

It absolutely is appropriate to say in this situation? Should I not say the same things about Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin or Osama Bin Laden? They didn't affect me directly either but they are just as worthy of my hatred as this apostate to his own religion. He is a member of the Al-Qaida terrorist organization and thus shares their goals and aspirations of murder, destruction, and the impostion of an Islamic caliphate throughout the Muslim world that would set progress back in that part of the world hundreds of years. In short, he IS my enemy and deserved his fate.

I'm afraid I fail to see either the logic or validity of your argument.

I don't intend these words as a personal affront to you but I think you need to think a bit more carefully about the circumstances before you say such things.
Man, you guys cant discuss anything other than 'catz0rs or d0gz0rs' without going off on wild tangents.

Personally I think the guy got what he deserved, life for a life and all that, but he no doubt died quickly by gunshot rather than having to endure two minutes of choking to death having his head is hacked off with a knife only suitable for buttering bread.

I have no time for extremists. R.I.P Paul Marshall Johnson
craigweb said:
Man, you guys cant discuss anything other than 'catz0rs or d0gz0rs' without going off on wild tangents.

Personally I think the guy got what he deserved, life for a life and all that, but he no doubt died quickly by gunshot rather than having to endure two minutes of choking to death having his head is hacked off with a knife only suitable for buttering bread.

I have no time for extremists. R.I.P Paul Marshall Johnson

Well said.
Adolf Hitler was a genius, but obsessed with completely wrong views on life and the human race.
I don't hate him, I admire what he did with Germany, but NOT what he did with the jews, homosexuals, gypsies and the other types of people he considered being "unworthy".

As for Joseph Stalin, he had obsessions and distorted opinions. But he was very intelligent in some aspects, and he did change alot in Russia/The Soviet Union.
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is statistics"

Osama Bin Laden and his family has alot of connections with the CIA and even the Bush family, they've been lending them shitloads of money even before 9/11.

There is no such thing as evil in a human being.. There is plain dumbness, greed, obsession, mental illness, twisted view on life, but not evil. Unless you consider these things being evil..
I guess we have a different view of morality then because I do believe evil does exist in this world - perhaps this is because of my Catholic upbringing.

I do believe that there is black and white in this world, good and evil (though I do acknowledge shades of grey) but there is evil.

I just don't buy into the view of "moral relativism" - it's a slippery slope where you can begin to justify just about everything because someone's moral base is different than yours. That's just plain dangerous.
Yes.. I know I said something very stupid in the beginning of this thread and now I'm trying to justify it somehow.. What I said was very narrowminded, dumb, stupid and childish.

I have a protestantic upbringing, and I also think there is black, different shades of gray, and then white. But as I've grown older and older, I've started questioning alot of beliefs in this world and such.. I still don't have any conclusions but many religions are very similar but altered depending on the location. Upbringing and the environment are heavy matters when it comes to your moral views..

For instance, Ed Gein was in his early years always told by his mother that girls are evil, whores, you name it, just to keep him away from being too "light footed" with them.. The result is pretty well known, he is the inspiration for all Chainsaw Massacre movies for instance.

Was that evil? Depends on which way you look at it, but I think of it as a result from very bad conclusions drawn by himself based on what he was told by the person he relied on the most; his mother.

Don't take my previous posts too seriously, think of them as bringing up a certain view on life just to protect myself from getting more flames.

I think a person is not evil in himself, but what the person does may be evil.

What Hitler did to the millions of minority people? ****ing evil. that we have a better understanding of one another - you are absolved :)
SFLUFAN said: that we have a better understanding of one another - you are absolved :)

Great, I'm glad we solved this in a very mature way! :)

This is why I love this forum so damn much.
CrazyHarij said:
I admire what he did with Germany

What? Admire what Hitler did with Germany? You mean brainwash it into a militaristic war-machine bent on the domination and subjugation of the entire world? Hmm...
DarkStar said:
What? Admire what Hitler did with Germany? You mean brainwash it into a militaristic war-machine bent on the domination and subjugation of the entire world? Hmm...

No, turning one of Europe's weakest countries that was pretty much doomed after WW1, being surrounded by enemy countries, into one of the worlds most productive and industrially and military advanced countries, filling the nation with hope and pride instead of neverending fear.

Like I said, what he did after that is a whole other story.
the death of that terrorist is god new right?
I will play more the missions of CS:CZ
terrorist feel the bullets of my M4A1! :sniper:
CrazyHarij said:
Adolf Hitler was a genius, but obsessed with completely wrong views on life and the human race.
I don't hate him, I admire what he did with Germany, but NOT what he did with the jews, homosexuals, gypsies and the other types of people he considered being "unworthy".

As for Joseph Stalin, he had obsessions and distorted opinions. But he was very intelligent in some aspects, and he did change alot in Russia/The Soviet Union.
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is statistics"

Osama Bin Laden and his family has alot of connections with the CIA and even the Bush family, they've been lending them shitloads of money even before 9/11.

There is no such thing as evil in a human being.. There is plain dumbness, greed, obsession, mental illness, twisted view on life, but not evil. Unless you consider these things being evil..

wow. how does your stalin quote show his intelligence. it just reveals his utter madness. osama has a huge extended family. ok, some long lost 3rd cousin twice removed met a bush relative. whoop. don't even get me started on hitler. wow.

stalin, hitler - they killed millions. they ought be be revered :rolleyes:
Harij, this terrorist killed a person for absolutely no reason. He killed an innocent guy in the wrong place at the wrong time, just because he was a different nationality/religion. Terrorists are animals.