Had the gay guy speaking to a minster and he was asking what is right and wrong lol
Ali"Is it ok being fabulous"
Church"What do you mean"
Ali"you know just fabulous"
Church"Some random hymn number and something about being effiminate being evil"
Haven't seen Ali G for a long time
Mind you I did see a massive promotion poster over in Manhattan for the new series, I just got fed up with the series
"A bush, we laugh when we hear the name because in kazakhstan eh.. a bush means the hair around the eh... the uh the teste satchel"
- Borat
PS: Not an anti Bush Rant, I favor Bush myself, but it was hillarious how he says it with the accent all serious like, especially because he said it to the OLD WOMAN. lmao
The gay fashion guy is Bruno
Kazakhstan Reporter is Borat
Israeli born English living gangster from the "westside of staines. near windsor castle where the queen lives" is Ali G