Alien Versus predator mod for HL2 - idea

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Aug 2, 2003
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What do you think about this? that's just a few ideas,it needs more ideas,and someon who can do this.It can't be AVp mod from the beginning cause it's illegal,and FoX willnot allow to do this, but there are many ways to make this mod happen with legal way-I love customisation...
here's the link to some of the ideas, beware! it's a lot of reading, it'll be easier for U to understand the idea if u've played Natural Selection and you are Alien versus Predator fan.

and here's a example how AVp model can looks like on HL so can u imagine how it can looks like on HL2


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....something a little more original would be a better route to go.....its fine to use the alien or predater storyline ....but a first person shooter has already been done....twice...with expansions..........
Christ! i am talking about a mod that is quite new!!! no expansion packs for AVp2 will do the job.AVp2 is a simple shooter-my idea is RTS+FPS like Natural's the idea that Fox will never think of.
Yes! AvP for HL2 yes!make go, cant get enuff of it. Ignore that other blokes comment.

But, thank **** it aint another cs clone or something.
Acctually theres is a strategy game for AvP... it just came out for like the PS2 and Xbox.....
You're talking about AVp:extinction? or something (bad spelling?),yea that's nothing interesting...You can't be a fpp character there.And i heard that this game sucks anyway.Hl2 has endless features that U can create in your mods that's why i am refering to it(BTW i am drunk now so not everthing ,that i'll Say can be clear by now).:afro:..cheers:cheese:
I need ideas how to implement predator race to this mod.I suppose that everyone'll want to play as a predator.How we should resolve this problem? what to do so everyone can play as a predator? I don't want to hear "I didn't get a chance to play as a predator for 2 months!!! this sux" comments in the future.Maybe this race should be hard to play ,it should be choice for a real hardcore players.
I really liked to play the alien at first... but, when i played the predator: It 0wned everything... give the Marines some weapon for hunting the predators, and make the aliens better by extending there 'scent' (spelling?) ability: make it go trough walls. Also, get the netcode VERY good, so that the 'gore-jump'(or whatever its called) of the alien is more effective then it was in avp(2)
hmm yes.That's a good idea.I want both races Aliens and marines to be able to defeat Predator on the beggining of the round.Because Predator starts only with wrists blades and a Spear,without helmet so he don't have vision modes,without armor (only with light armor).He should have his chameleon camouflage but only for a short moment,it should be longer when he'll get more trophys and he'll buy better armor for these trophys.Yes i want predator to be able to buy new stuff when he get's more trophys(alien's or marines's heads).It could be good to implement a training system for predators like in Americas Army, so first players must pass the uneasy and frustrating test to be able to play as a predator.And then they should gain a honor points or something,so only players with high honor can play as a Predator at first i dunno.I lack of ideas to implemet Predator to the gameplay and balance it.The Predator should loose some of his honor points when he kills an unarmed civilian,but still civilians can get him into trouble if they'll see him,they can call AI controlled guards for help,but still he can fight with armored guards(AI in HL2 will be awesome).AI guards should be tough guys,as same for Predator as for Aliens who can try to invade the base and kidnap or kill the civilians.:borg:
id actually like to see this mod happen, but because its AVP theres licencing problems and copyright issues.

cloaking would look damn sweet for pred ;)
yup as we can see in the e3 tech demo, you can build a person out of water, which would look fantastic as a cloaked predator.
AvP belongs to Fox studio's... And they tend to be over zealous when it comes to thier own intellectual property so any mods based on AvP will be shut down in an instant.
Check this out.these guys don't have any problems with FOX.This is from Avp morrowind mod...
Originally posted by H2HSnake
What do you think about this? that's just a few ideas,it needs more ideas,and someon who can do this.It can't be AVp mod from the beginning cause it's illegal,and FoX willnot allow to do this, but there are many ways to make this mod happen with legal way-I love customisation...
here's the link to some of the ideas, beware! it's a lot of reading, it'll be easier for U to understand the idea if u've played Natural Selection and you are Alien versus Predator fan.

and here's a example how AVp model can looks like on HL so can u imagine how it can looks like on HL2

That is a great Idea!
Ill help. :D
TNX Gordon! I am planning to interest some people with this project when HL2 comes out and we play it some time,When there'll be someone who will take this mod in his hands, I'll let you all know so You can team up somehow.I've met really great man doing AVP mod for morrowind.The things he's doing are amazing!!! they are f***** amazing!!!!
Yeah ive seen it, looks mad.
I can make maps, i can make everthing good except the layout of maps like the scale of doors and walls and what not, need to learn a bit more, but apart from that im golden :p

Question, is there going to be a Skirmish Mode, and MP or just MP, becuase i love Skirmish
Like I said before this is a BAAAD idea, Fox will sue you before you can even begin to get off the ground.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
you can just change it all so it doesn't look like AvP, just like NS but better :p

It wouldn't be an AVP mod then now would it? And actually I've been working on something like that in private with a few people, unfortunately work on the concept models and art has been taking....longer then expected.
AS far as I know that guys making MOrrowind AVP mod didn't asked FOX.Noone is making them hard times because of legality issues.They are doing great!!!This game will be MP only,it's team based BUT! this are the plans for making a mod only.We'll see if we can do something.I'll try to interest in this idea the guys making morrowind mod.I think that when Natural Selection will come out for HL2 we will make a BIG addon changing it to AVP.Then we will make some AVP maps and stuff,and then maybe we'll make such mod.
Here you've got a shot from GREAT MORROWIND AVP MOD!
They'll get foxed eventually, it always has happened before. FOX is big on this sort of issue (hence how the term foxed was invented :p).

And yeah, I was trying to gather up a few people for a mod similar to NS but hopefully with three races instead of two and having nothing to do with allready established intillectual property. I'd hoped to not publicly talk much of it since I had wanted to wait until I had something to show for it, but seems the modeler(s) have become increasingly busy lately in real life so I don't know if I'll get it off the ground.
Hmmm it would be easy to make a total conversion of Your mod..hehe.
The reason why noone will close the MOrrowind mod is that they don't have a website!,so no one can even prove that they are doing it because there's lack of screenies on the net.They had even short news article on PLANETavp about this Morrowind mod.People can only downlad this from the forum.Besides there's a lot of modifications for AVP2,total conversions to the oryginal AVP2 game and noone have any problems with FOX.FOX is too busy company for this kind of stuff.Since this mod will not be commercial there's no way someone could shut it down.I can easily imagine situation if such mod could be retail then FOX would shut it down.ANYONE of you.If You want to know exactly how I want my mod to looks like,You must see this AVP: Extincion trailer,because the whole rendered trailer shows how my mod'll looks like in action,that was my vision,nearly exactly the this movie.Try to imagine this as a MP game for HL2...
it's WMV format so You must have Windows Media PLayer...maybe with the newest update.
Originally posted by H2HSnake
Hmmm it would be easy to make a total conversion of Your mod..hehe.
The reason why noone will close the MOrrowind mod is that they don't have a website!,so no one can even prove that they are doing it because there's lack of screenies on the net.They had even short news article on PLANETavp about this Morrowind mod.People can only downlad this from the forum.Besides there's a lot of modifications for AVP2,total conversions to the oryginal AVP2 game and noone have any problems with FOX.FOX is too busy company for this kind of stuff.Since this mod will not be commercial there's no way someone could shut it down.I can easily imagine situation if such mod could be retail then FOX would shut it down.ANYONE of you.If You want to know exactly how I want my mod to looks like,You must see this AVP: Extincion trailer,because the whole rendered trailer shows how my mod'll looks like in action,that was my vision,nearly exactly the this movie.Try to imagine this as a MP game for HL2...
it's WMV format so You must have Windows Media PLayer...maybe with the newest update.

AVP2 and AVP are owned by FOX, they don't mind that since it had aliens and predators allready. The morrowind mod probably is cloaked. As long as Fox doesn't have anyone to email, then yeah, it could work. Of course, really doing something like NS with Aliens and Predators wouldn't work so well in all honesty. AVP would be better more for a CS style game of individual map based missions, akin to Aliens Online.
Hopefully I'll not make AVP in CS style EVER.AVP style with NS gamplay is checked already by playing NS converted to AVP style,with all models and weapons(it's only lack of Predators),there's nothing better than TEAMWORK in such game.And no small CS maps,but this isn't the place to talk about features...So I'll just wait for NS on Hl2 and then I'll make a total convertion,and maybe in the near future,I'll make a whole new MOD.And the GREAT GUYS form Morrowind MOD will help me a little.So we'll need only coders,some modelers and mapers....But that's in the future.HICKS!!! contact ME!!! cause I didn't get an answer to my e-mails...
man, id love to make a map for HL2 sort of like a Co Op where real people play Marines and tones of alien NPCs come from the walls and you have to get in the APC and get to a drop ship, while aliens jump out of no where and try to nip ya head off, and like, you have to get a power cell thing to power up the drop ship, and it takes time, and you have to keep the aliens at bay!!!! omg!!!

Ill do it :D :D :D
Sounds great. i'm doing something like this, just a little project called Killer Instinct, where marines are sent to a jungle island in 1988 to exterminate the dinosaurs that ar sweeping across the isle. were pushing for a vietnam ambience, chopper drops, napalm, m60 vs 10-foot lizard....oops, getting off topic. Anyway, to be honest, you say you're doing something origional before saying "it's just like NS!". Never mind, I think three's room for the both of you.
Yeah Freeman! that's a great Idea,but remember that we have to put there predators aswell,besides NPC aliens can work with player aliens too...only Aliens and Marines will have NPC's in their bases.the idea is original only if U think about connecting NS gameplay with AVP because noone has ever do such a mod with AVP theme and NS like gameplay.AVP theme is not original and NS gameplay is not original but connecting them together is quite orginal and it will be so FUN especially for AVP fans.
do not do this, there's way too many original ideas to copy a game that's been made twice already and copied several times. SOmething original please
I dont like preds, they just shit me for some reason.
Marines and Aliens all the way lol!

Blud Stane, Shhhh.
I agree to some extent with blud. unless It's your first mod, where I will excuse you, you should be doing something more origional. Not to dampen your spirits. Like, my K.I. project isn't that origional because this is our first mod...were just cutting our teeth.
OMG! I don';t want to make "something" original I want to make original AVP game.It must be an AVP game,and NS gameplay is the best i've ever seen,it's the best team based game (don't want to mention CS).There were no AVP game with such great gameplay,and AVp feeling.NS gameplay can give the best AVP feel.The whole idea of my mod is perfectly ilustrated in AVP:extinction trailer.My mod during the MP game will looks the same or even better.You can watch this trailer as a trailer for my MP HL2 mod.
Originally posted by H2HSnake
OMG! I don';t want to make "something" original I want to make original AVP game.It must be an AVP game,and NS gameplay is the best i've ever seen,it's the best team based game (don't want to mention CS).There were no AVP game with such great gameplay,and AVp feeling.NS gameplay can give the best AVP feel.The whole idea of my mod is perfectly ilustrated in AVP:extinction trailer.My mod during the MP game will looks the same or even better.You can watch this trailer as a trailer for my MP HL2 mod.

And have you listened at all to what I told you, in two threads? If you make AVP you will get foxed unless you are seriously cloak and dagger about this. NS gameplay is also incompatable with AVP, the aliens can maybe have some sort of hive structure but the marines and predators do not fit into the RTS mold very well.

Also unless you've got some extra skills don't expect to attract anyone. I at least can program and know a modeler and concept artist who also know some people. Really, stop frothing at the mouth and come down to earth for a bit. Do you have anything tangible to show at all besides pics of some morrowind mod you idolize or models ripped from Aliens Versus Predator 2?
Haha so your basically taking the gameplay style of NS and making an Aliens VS Predators mod out of it with an unnorganized mod plan and hardly any baseboard to work off from originality using EXAMPLES of other games and mods thinking your just so damn good a mod making god!

I'm so extremely UNEXCITED!
OK! That's IT i am DONE! I Quit ! If there'll be any AVP mod ,anyone who is interested 'll know for sure.It was stupid Idea to talk about this here, where are no AVP fans,and no people who've played NS as a full AVP convertion.Any moderators here? You can close this topic DOWN.
AvP is badas, but NS just doesn't have the ambience to do it for me. How bout you make this game without a big commander dude. Leave RTS elements for a diff game
Originally posted by H2HSnake
OK! That's IT i am DONE! I Quit ! If there'll be any AVP mod ,anyone who is interested 'll know for sure.It was stupid Idea to talk about this here, where are no AVP fans,and no people who've played NS as a full AVP convertion.Any moderators here? You can close this topic DOWN.

If you want to.
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