Aliens vs. Predator movie teaser trailer...

For about 7 years now scripts have been written and scrapped over and over again for a potential "Alien vs. Predator" movie.

They've finally found something they were happy with...

Let's hope it doesn't turn out too lame, I'm excited!
That is a teaser? You get more of a teaser by playing AVP :)
it's designed to get AvP into your psyche. two months time you'll most likely have forgotten about it, which is what they're expecting. then they hit you with another barrage of publicity, and you think 'hey yeah i remember that', and your interest levels will be higher than if you hadn't seen that short 'teaser'.
if theve got a good story line then i'm shure it'll be a good film, well i liked aliens and i liked predator.
They should base it on the two novels. The ones with Machiko Nogouchi.