Aliens VS Predator Source



Hi all

Well i was wondering if anyone was thinking about creating an Aliens VS Predator Source Mod. If so I'd love to help do a few maps for it.

I would think about starting the mod off but i dont have the experience in making a mod just in the mapping department.

So if you have already started one or want to start one give me a shout here or on my website.

many thanks

Kurzon Morris
/me bangs head repeatedly against desk
me bangs head repeatedly against desk
for the love of allah

one word - no
take my advice - make a hl2 mod inspired by avp
aliens = fast zombies
predators = super soldiers

well avp 2 managed it. I know its not the hl2 engine but still its possible
AVP 2 managed it. Yes, because it was developed under licence. I seriously doubt that you have the licence to develop a mod using the AVP property. Before you inevitably say it, you do need permission, even for a mod.

Make. Something. Original.
i know u need permission. And the reason i was asking was because i like avp2 and wanted to play an upgraded graphics version. So stop jumping at me for asking.
kurzonmorris said:
i know u need permission. (...) So stop jumping at me for asking.

Well if you know 'u' need permission, and you know nobody has permission, then one wonders why you asked.

Just use that powerful, mushy, grey cpu God installed in your noggin and make up your own idea with humans, creepy fast things, and badass assassins all duking it out in darkly lit maps.

Or wait, join a mod already in existance, I'm sure I recall seeing a few that are similar enough to this, but without the whole "copyright infringement" thing going against them. There are really too many mods in development to be starting a new one.
Ya know what we need? A source eating game. Where you go to different resurants and eat different food. You have to use your mouse to pick up food and... eat it.
The higher levels you'll need to master the art of the chopstick and l337 pwn some fried rice.
Natural Selection is a perfect example of a mod which was inspired by Aliens ( the film ).

Personally i say you create a mod with your own alien/marine/predator concepts but give them the same feeling that you would have in the films.

If this is what you truly want to do then i say go ahead but give it your own kick.

There are A LOT of talented concept artists out there who would love to help you on this i assure you. But first you need to write down a "Design Document" in order to keep things on track.

Since i had a similar idea and helped a friend to create this mod. Then i got recruited onto a even bigger/better/more professional mod, and ever since it's been shutdown.
WhiteZero said:
The higher levels you'll need to master the art of the chopstick and l337 pwn some fried rice.

Pfft, chopsticks are easy.

-Angry Lawyer
An AvP esque mod would be much better on the doom 3 engine. AvP was about the lighting, grim/tense atmosphere and sounds which could be accomplished better on doom3 than source.
How about Aliens Doom vs. 20th Century Fox? that'd be an awesome mod :p