Alienware Comp. Suggestions?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shawdie
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A couple days ago I ordered an Area-51 machine from alienware with the following specs:

Chassis: Alienware® Full-Tower Case (480-Watt PS) - Space Black
Power Supply: 650 Watt Max Power Supply Upgrade
Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 530 w/ HT Technology 3.0GHz 1MB Cache
Motherboard: Alienware® PCI Express Motherboard with Intel® 925 Chipset
Memory: 2GB Dual Channel DDR2 PC-4300 SDRAM at 533MHz - 2 x 1024MB
Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce™ Ultra 6800 PCI Express 256MB DDR3 w/Dual Digital and TV Out
Video Optimizer: AlienAdrenaline: Video Performance Optimizer
Video Cooling: AlienIce™ Video Cooling System - Astral Blue
System Drive: High Performance - Serial ATA - 120GB Seagate® Barracuda 7,200 RPM w/8MB Cache
Optical Drive One: Lite-On 16x DVD / 52x32x52x CD-RW Drive
Monitor: NEC 19" CRT Flat Screen MultiSync FE991SB - Black

I know that it will run HL2 no problem, but does anyone have any suggestions while it is still in the verification phase? I have been out of the gaming world for quite sometime and anyones help would be appretiated. Thank you!
nice computer even thoughe i definatly would not get an alienware computer.
Whats with everyone getting 2 GBS of ram all of a sudden? Do you even notice a difference after 1? You seem like you got the cash so why not get a better processor and drop one of the hard drives? You dont really nead raid 0.
Alienware's are waaaaay overpriced, nice system, but next time build it yourself or buy from a company that doesn't overcharge just because they have a "reputation".
Yea, I would have built it myself but I just got back from 18 months of no fun or gaming whatsoever bootcamp/boarding school and I have a friend who ordered a well running machine from them so I followed in his steps.
Yeah, I have some suggestions.

Grab a P4 3.0 GHz (northwood core). It doesn't have a model number on it (like 530). If you are paying that much for a computer you should be able to demand a northwood core. Or get an Athlon 64. The Prescott cores run slower than northwood and puts out more heat. However, that means you won't get PCI Express, which isn't a big deal right now anyways. PCI Express will only be worthwhile once they get cards designed to take advantage of the PCI Express bus which will be in a couple of years.

Also, pay the extra money to get a Nvidia 6800 GT or Ultra. The extra performance is worth it over the 6800.

As for the power supply, 650 Watts is not needed unless you plan on overclocking the living daylights out of your computer. 480 Watts should be more than enough.
Ok....I must...resist....

Here's a little insight into the world of prebuilt computers: all they do is put parts together, start it up, load some software, and sell it at an inflated price because everyone is either too lazy or unable to do it themselves.So save yourself some cash, build it yourself, and stop listening to the commercials you see on tv.
someone is jeleous (i dont know how to spell it :P ) Its his money let him do what he wants with it.
blackeye said:
someone is jeleous (i dont know how to spell it :P ) Its his money let him do what he wants with it.
If I was jealous I would have bought one myself by now. ;)
Maybe he doesnt wanna build a computer by himself holy shit people lol. If he has the money for an alienware let him get it stop discouraging him when you know his computer will kick ass.
kidrock450 said:
Maybe he doesnt wanna build a computer by himself holy shit people lol. If he has the money for an alienware let him get it stop discouraging him when you know his computer will kick ass.

I could make an equal ass-kicking system for an ass-kicking $1000 less..
Six Three said:
I could make an equal ass-kicking system for an ass-kicking $1000 less..

The point one gives a offence.

What do you expect? people to be shocked in awe how you can build a pc?
kidrock450 said:
The point one gives a offence.

What do you expect? people to be shocked in awe how you can build a pc?

Hmm...well it seems like most of the people to reply to this thread DO agree with me..

I don't care what other people's reactions are, in the end I'm $1000 richer...
Six Three said:
Hmm...well it seems like most of the people to reply to this thread DO agree with me..

I don't care what other people's reactions are, in the end I'm $1000 richer...

lol good for u! look at the comp he has. if he could spend as much as he did on that comp then i dont think 1000$ is that much to him..and i dont remember this thread asking who can make him this system for the lowest price.
But he was asking for tips...and we gave it to him.Also kid rocks music sucks.... :D
kidrock450 said:
lol good for u! look at the comp he has. if he could spend as much as he did on that comp then i dont think 1000$ is that much to him..and i dont remember this thread asking who can make him this system for the lowest price.

Fine, I'm sorry I even bothered to try and save his money..
I think that an AMD FX-53 would be a better processor. It has 32/64 bit capabilities.
Ive been looking at their PCI-Ex system too but im in two minds as to wether I should get a PCI-Ex sysetm or stick with my plan to get a FX-53 system.
It's not worth the extra money to get PCI-E at the moment, give it a couple years.
It is a nice computer indeed. But as gh0st, I would not get an alienware puter.
Alienware sends out bad vibes. They could as well write "Certified CS-Computer" on them.