All my source games need to be re-downloaded? What the ****?


Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
A little earlier I installed the Half-Life HD pack through Steam. I played Sven Coop for like 10 minutes then it suddenly crashed. So I decided to play some Tim Coop instead, I tried to start it but it gave me a message saying that HL2 Deathmatch needs to be updated. So I thought whatever, I guess there must be an update for that tonight too. Then I noticed that it said "37 minutes remaining" for the download. That's right, it's re-downloading HL2 Deathmatch in it's entirety. Okay, weird. So I see if I can play CS:S. Nope. HL2? Nope. Steam wants to re-download all of my source games. Seriously, what the ****?
ive had it happen one time idk y but it just deleted them its not that big of a deal though
I've had something like that happen to me. It just thought they were gone but when I restarted or relogged into steam they showed up. idk
Maybe validating your game files would help.
Try start up HL2 using the .exe in the steam folder. Maybe then steam will recognize it.
Heh, I tried that. ;( I restarted Steam a bunch of times, tried to validate them, but it kept saying they need to be re-downloaded. So I uninstalled HL2/CSS/HL2DM, and I tried re-installing it from the CDs and now it's telling me that on CD1 is corrupt. I've heard of this error before and I recalled people saying it was a problem with DVD burners, so I swapped the DVD burner out and tried a CD burner and an old CD-ROM drive, both of them produced the same error. FFS! So now I'm just downloading it from Steam. :sleep: Bleh. After I got it all downloaded again I'm burning all my source games to a DVD, in case this ever happens again. **** you Steam. :(
Yeah, the GCF files were there in the Steam/SteamApps folder.
I just finished re-downloading HL2, I restarted Steam and it started downloading it AGAIN! WHAT THE ****!!!!??? Holy shit I am pissed, I can't keep doing this I only have a limited amount of bandwidth per month or my ISP is going to contact me. WTF IS GOING ON?!
Ah to hell with it. I'm taking the game back to EB Games when I wake up later and getting a new copy. Good thing I got that 1 year warranty last November. Sorry for the triple post, I just need to vent. :D
/me goes and breaks things
ur going to be waiting along time if u go to the store to return it your better off calling support
You're better off binning the whole thing and forgetting about Valve altogether.
diluted said:
I've heard of this error before and I recalled people saying it was a problem with DVD burners, so I swapped the DVD burner out and tried a CD burner and an old CD-ROM drive, both of them produced the same error.

Isn't the HL2 disk a DVD anyway? Hence CD drives not working...
Foebane said:
You're better off binning the whole thing and forgetting about Valve altogether.
Thank you for your suggestion. He'll consider it. Not.
Isn't the HL2 disk a DVD anyway? Hence CD drives not working...
The collectors edition is, I have the regular retail version, which is 5 CDs.

Anyway, I went back to EB GAmes and they gave me another copy of the game. I get home and it still gives me the same ****ing error about a cab file being corrupt. God dammit, **** you valve.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make a disk image of the HL2 CDs and install them using Daemon Tools or something?
diluted said:
The collectors edition is, I have the regular retail version, which is 5 CDs.

Anyway, I went back to EB GAmes and they gave me another copy of the game. I get home and it still gives me the same ****ing error about a cab file being corrupt. God dammit, **** you valve.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make a disk image of the HL2 CDs and install them using Daemon Tools or something?

did u try jsut deleting the local game content and just destroy the steam folder then reinstall
Turns out the problem with the discs was caused by Daemon Tools, heh. I uninstalled the program and HL2 installed without a hitch. That doesn't explain why Steam decided to delete all of my Source games, but I guess I'll never know why that happened.
Now I have an extra HL2 cd-key, lol.
sadly i think your out of luck, i hate to say it but i believe your going to have to redownload it ;_;
Well, he has the extra cd's... so...


Well, You're happy now... contact Valve though, report the thing in. It's probably copy-protection. Did you have Daemon Tools beforehand? MAybe a steam patch, i dunno.