All steam games must have this feature!!!!!

Uber Kitty

May 22, 2007
Reaction score
why isnt there teamtalk at the same time as alltalk?

I mean, you can choose to type to all or just your team, why not the same with microphone?

When I thought of this, it seemed so obvious that I expected it to already be an option.

Any of you guys think this would be a great feature?

ex: Press "c" for alltalk
Press "v" for teamtalk
No way... I so wouldn't want to hear some 5 year old cs-kid shouting shit at me after he has killed me.
There is a feature for that. It's called All_talk
Some server admins like to turn alltalk on in TF2 for some odd reason. In a game where communicating with your team is often vital to win, and voice communication is the most convenient way of doing this, then why do admins choose to turn alltalk on?

The only thing I like about alltalk is getting to hear people whine about me consistently killing them, and getting very happy when they kill me.
The only thing I like about alltalk is getting to hear people whine about me consistently killing them, and getting very happy when they kill me.

I enjoy some servers random bullshit that occurs. Usually adds to some hilarity. Most cases, though, it sucks.
I know that alltalk is a feature, but when it is enabled, I cant only talk to my team. I want to be able to talk to everyone normally, but only my team if I want to.

Like the keyboard options. "y" is alltype "u" is teamtype
Eh, I don't see the need for it. Sure it's a feature that would be nice, but that's just something else that griefers can use to their advantage. Sure you can mute, but why should we need to mute 99% of the people that will use it to talk shit?

Sure, it can be OK at times, but for most cases, I don't see it as something that we'll need.

Who knows, they might include it sometime.
its better than alot of servers that have alltalk only enabled.

This will get rid of all those servers that discourage teamwork and get rid of getting on those servers and realizing they suck.
No none wants chat like this ! you want to tell tactics to your m8 and woops I told it on general.
its not hard to press the right button.

And it is better than having many servers with permanent alltalk
Servers with all talk are lame, esp in TF2. A quick team talk saying any number of things, is really helpful to the team:

"spy disguised as x"
"medic + x combo here"
"turret in position x"
Servers with all talk are lame, esp in TF2. A quick team talk saying any number of things, is really helpful to the team:

"spy disguised as x"
"medic + x combo here"
"turret in position x"

The voice command menus (z,x,c) are actually context sensitive. Look deeper into them ;)
But noone ever listens to them. The dude with the mic has the power.
I fully support and/or endorse this idea.
A separate button for teamtalk would be just lovely.
finally someone that supports me, everyone here is bashing it when there are no real negatives.

Being able to talk to your team and communicate teamwork, but still being able to talk to your friends who are on the other team without having to type.

Douches being douches (mute maybe?)
Pressing the wrong button (bind them to keys far away from eachother)

With this feature would come different color talk icons. Your team color for teamspeak, and grey or yellow for alltalk.
oh my GOD!!!
everybody please shut up
if you don't think its a good idea (which i do)
just don't complain, if somebody comes out with this mod
god... its harder to complain then just join a different server
i was just thinking about a mod like this yesterday
it would be a great idea
I can't even understand what's going on in this thread, just lots of lower-case letters and exclamation points.
There is a feature for that. It's called All_talk

Hes meaning a feature where you can press a button to do either. All_talk is where you speak to everyone but then cant switch to all_ talk 1 unless you're an evil admin :D
In options, have a check box "disable all talk". Default enabled. Problem solved, everyone happy.

Valve, I am avaliable on a consultancy basis :p
Preferably this would be off by default and on only when alltalk is enabled.

As in, being able to talk to your team in an alltalk server rather than being able to talk to either team in any server.
I see lots of flaming and bashing of this idea when there are no real complaints. Every grievance has to do with hearing spam and shit-talking which already exists and will stay because of the voice communication already available. Having a feature to speak directly to and only to teammates won't add more of it.

I find the u key to be a vital button. But I still speak faster than I type and I need the keys I use to type, in order to move.
I think the problems against all talk here are really obsolete when examining TF2. Sure, they're evident in CSS, but TF2 doesn't have those same problems. And besides, what issues are you going to get with 5 year olds that aren't going to arise with team talk?

I think the main issue is "Why?" when you might as well just type.
I think the problems against all talk here are really obsolete when examining TF2. Sure, they're evident in CSS, but TF2 doesn't have those same problems. And besides, what issues are you going to get with 5 year olds that aren't going to arise with team talk?

I think the main issue is "Why?" when you might as well just type.

I don't know what you mean by those first two sentences, but the "Why" is because voice is superior for fast and easy communication.
I don't know what you mean by those first two sentences, but the "Why" is because voice is superior for fast and easy communication.

Only if you use a set of predefined words and you've trained to use them correctly. Which most aren't.
I think this is a great idea. It seems like it'd be rather simple to implement. I don't understand what's so OMG TEH SUCK bad about this idea.

I've had great fun on all talk server, but then again I like to be able to warn other people about a spy without having to hide or stop what I'm doing and leaving myself open. If there are jerks on the server, I find a different server OMG TEH INNOVATION! I don't see how this introduces any problems.