all the cool kids have em


Wanna trade my Arctic Avenger for your SAS?
h3ll yes, dude i needa get rid of this awp whore got any lag killers??///slashslashslash
ummmm ya thats officially a boring hobby... hmmmm no thx haha i dunno who'd pay money for that. I'll just take screenshots of my game and print them
All the dorkiest dorks have them. Jeez, just play the freaking game!
That's not even trading cards lol, just pages from the game manual :cheese:
uhm, the fact that people took me seriously literaly is leaveing my in tears ;( god help the forumgoers
I can see it now... HLCSTTCGFPWNLW (Half-Life: CounterStrike - The Trading Card Game For People With No Life Whatsoever)

We'll make a few basic card types, take a bunch of screenshots, and slap on random quotes and numbers... then we'll be rich!

Who's with me?
Awww maaaan!! I'm so like NOT cool right now! MOOOOM!!! Buy me trading cards, me want trading caaa-a-a-ards *grabs her leg and cries* MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!! I WANT, I WANT, I WANT, I WAAANT!!!!
*gets kicked in the face and thrown into my den*
Wow. Incredible. I really want one. Yes.
Well, no. Trading cards are rather rubbish.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
uhm, the fact that people took me seriously literaly is leaveing my in tears ;( god help the forumgoers

The fact that most of them are different sizes means nothing :P

Heh, I was taken in till I saw the pics themselves :P