All these things...


Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
I read about, what are they? Munro, biozeminade, globleglale army or something like that? I demand an explanation! Now! I shall not hesitate nor show mercy! insert blatant LOTR quote here!
Munro is the leader, Biozeminades was a joke about an enemy in HL2, globleglale army I have never head of.
Biozeminades was soo funny on amazon. or wherever you could review the game
The_Monkey said:
Munro is the leader, Biozeminades was a joke about an enemy in HL2, globleglale army I have never head of.

The end.
You don't know a bout the gloglebag army, damn. I'm pretty sure on of your friends or family is a member, we have infiltrated everyone.
I won't tell you nothing, the incident still upsets me, even more so than Hell in Doom3
Hell??!!! HELL??!!!! Hell is like a walk in the park compared to the mass panic in and there after the incident
In before clos0rz. And the gloglebag army pwns j00.

EDIT: z0mg, look at my new name!