All things TGS06..


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
For 360 media, or go to the 'Bringing it home' in the Market Place.

I just watched the HL2:EP2 trailer on 360, it looks good (It's the same content as one of the trailers on here, but I'm saying it looks good in widescreen/HD on my TV).

Downloading the Bioshock thing than I'm going to get the 4 minute Lost Planet trailer, everyone is saying it's awesome.

There's also Lost Odyssey gameplay on xboxyde. should have a TGS06 section up soon..

Edit: freaking Xboxyde removed the gameplay videos because MS told them so, sigh.
Lost Odyssey was a big surprise. It was also nice to see Blue Dragon gameplay for once, though that game doesn't interest me at all.

What I really want to see is something on Too Human. It was killed at E3 due to several technical problems that the developers have insisted for months now are fixed. I hope I don't have to wait until X06, but I just may.
Need more details. This is the showcase for the PS3, with playable games finally!! What's the scoop?! Ugh, I hate this waiting.