Alliance: The Silent War


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I first noticed this game back at the end of E3. I must of saw a trailer for it. I thought it was going to be a B-game which had a dodgy sci-fi story to the game (you can pit WWII soldiers against Navy Seals from the 90s for example) until I realised thats only for the multiplayer.

However the singleplayer is infact played out over several generations as opposed to the same character, and now I'm actually intrigued by this game.

The best part of the interview I have been watching is that the developers are planning to do to weapons, what Gran Turismo did for cars

You can catch all A:SW videos at:

(Interviews a good start)
Yeah I made a thread about this back when it was first shown at E3, I'm very excited for it actually.:D
looks awesome. Reminds me of gamespys idea for the "perfect game" in which you could pick absolutley anything and pit it against another thing. Although its not that cool, its getting there.
watched the gamepaly video; besides the pretty good graphics, i think this would be a fun game to play lan (it would offer a ton of variety, so no 1 game was too much similar), as long as they have some solid game types besides just deathmatch, like ctf, territory/base capturing type thing and others.

anyone know a release date for it ?