Alone in the Dark

Argh slug butties D: I wanted this game to be good too :(

I might rent anyway, and cry myself to sleep at what could have been...
Actually, I bought the 360 game on the 18th, and whilst the game certainly has quite alot of bugs etc, the actual gameplay concept is great, it's basically a very rough game that could have used a few more months to iron out and polish the game.
I'm yet to try it, but from what I saw it was looking quite promising. It's a shame it's being given such mediocre reviews everywhere, but I'll wait to try it myself before believing them!
I'm still probably going to get this regardless, I always loved the Alone In The Dark games and really want to try this. Plus, I don't give half a shit what a review says since thats still technically an opinion and I'll have my own.
The voice work is terrible and the story is cheesy as hell.
The story seems to revolve around CENTRAL PARK? Ffs, how interesting can that shit possibly be?
Gameplay looks boring and a pain in the ass.

Meh, the fire looks sexy though.
Well this should allow for them to hopefully fix all of these issues in time for the PS3 release. To do otherwise would be a seriously epic fail...more epic than the present epic failure of the series.
Maybe it'll get a patch or three?

Anyway, I plan on getting it since it's basically the only Survival Horror next-gen game available.
This had a lot of promise. Ill keep an eye on the patch details.
I loved the original AITD trilogy, the one set in the West was pretty cool imo.

I also loved the way the first game was filled with inspiration from the Cthulhu mythos.