Alot of members with 0 posts.



Just wasting time looking through the members, and there are alot of them with 0 posts, and they've been signed up for ages, I think there should be a clean-up . The people that just joined within 14 days are exempt, but any older than that with 0 posts should be deleted. Just my opinion of course. *Goes back into hole he crawled out of*
But then wouldn't be able to look big anymore! ;)

*Move to Site Discussion?*
I think you have to have an account to vote and view attachments... and that's all some people want to do. :)
Yeah, it's something that we've discussed quite a lot and as the others have said a) you need to register to view attachments and vote on polls b) a lot of people register because they think they have to and c) a lot of people register with the intent to post again later.
d. threats would make half the active accounts go post 1 ot 2 times to avoid deltion.
e. they are missing out by not participating ;)
I have been signed up for a long time and just started posting, even though I still post very little. What made me wait so long is that most of my questions are answered in previous threads, and I feel I can use this site for my news source for all things having today with HL2 and its mods. I don't know if the other idlers are like me, but I thought I may just add that some people may just wish to register to know when the posts are new so they get the latest news.
I actually pruned our users not too long ago. Most the members now just view the forums often.
the main reaosn we don't want to do it is because of what is already said. You need an account to view attachments and vote in polls.
SidewinderX143 said:
the main reaosn we don't want to do it is because of what is already said. You need an account to view attachments and vote in polls.

Thats what made me sign up a lllllllloooooooooonnnnnnngggggggggg time ago. :)