Alyx uses a ... torque wrench?

I think it's there just for some eye-candy (besides Alyx you troubled people) :p
It took you this much time to realize that a tool was in her hand. It must be symbolic now. My life is complete.
That is not a torque wrench. I have a torque wrench and it looks nothing like that.
blahblahblah said:
That is not a torque wrench. I have a torque wrench and it looks nothing like that.

It's just a socket wrench.
its just a regular rachet wrench, torque renches have a little needle to measure how much torque your tightening to.
wow! i hadnt seen the las pic before :smoking:
First off:
Hi! Long time lurker first time poster :)

Thats definatly a Socket Wrench. I've seen most of those pictures but that last pic. That one is excellent! If I had to guess i'd say its the inside of the citadel where the legs that move out are.
Alix Mcdean said:
First off:
Hi! Long time lurker first time poster :)

Thats definatly a Socket Wrench. I've seen most of those pictures but that last pic. That one is excellent! If I had to guess i'd say its the inside of the citadel where the legs that move out are.

Welcome to the Forums :p
Several of those (especially, and most obviously #7) are scans of a nifty thing from PC Gamer called "The making of half-life 2 special 16-Page supplement" released june 2003 (I have it right here). They left out some cool ones as well, including a picture of some marines(?) rappelling down the inside of a building.

numbers 7 through 10 are scans, which may be why they werent listed!
I'm a mechanic and I have a $150 torque wrench. And yeah, that aint no torque wrench.

Also, to the guy who said torque wrenches have needles - old school mate ;) Modern torque wrenches just have a dial on the end :)
If you look well, you can see that Alyx is wearing a thong.
Never seen the last picture!

It looks like the very inside of the combine citadel! Those must be the things that make the wall move forward and chomp down all the buildings!
Actually. it could be a torque wrench. There are several types of torque wrenches. There is one with the needle that simply tells you how much pressure you are asserting, and there is one with a thicker shaft and no needle, and you twist part of the shaft to the number of pounds of pressure you want, and when you apply pressure, when it reaches that amount, the lock breaks past so its exactly at the pressure. It helps make sure you dont tighten things such as lug nuts too much.
^^^ although now that i look back at the picture, you notice the bar is like a hexagonal shape, not round, so it probably is just a socket.
coleslawjoe said:
Several of those are scans of a nifty thing from PC Gamer
Might I point out that that's not the only magazine they appeared in. Your conclusion is apparantly right though :smoking: . Although 6 looks like a scan as well.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Never seen the last picture!

It looks like the very inside of the combine citadel! Those must be the things that make the wall move forward and chomp down all the buildings!
That's what I thought, looks real cool.
blahblahblah said:
That is not a torque wrench. I have a torque wrench and it looks nothing like that.

You may have a torque wrench but you certainly don't have a brain.
This is as bad if not worse than debating about the laser from the RPG. She has a wrench - does it matter what kind? She's a mechanic, it figures.
Anyway, I'd just like to say that looking at that concept art again made me smile :) Haven't seen it in so long, it just shows how promising this game is - particularly the last piece. The levels inside the Citadel are going to be awe-inspiring.
Thats the reason why we're not playing as Alyx cause the wrench is only for weaklings. :p
crownest said:
Thats the reason why we're not playing as Alyx cause the wrench is only for weaklings. :p
So Gordon is the nerd (we know this for a fact) with th crowbar (crowbars are used by burglers and you have to be smart to be a good burgler) and Alyx is the stupid jock who spends all her sparetime working on cars and motorcycles with her wrench.
what i really want to know is, why did you 'LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF' at these pics?
A pertinent issue.

The concept art does whet the appetite, i've still lost the buzz for the game, /me waits for its release so he can be excited again.
lol, I saw the picture first on the front page of the June PC gamer. I don't think that she will have it in the game, but i thinkthe she will have somesort of weapon.

I just realised that teh G0rgon uses a crowbar to destray anymies!1 Oh my..

i hopes it's a Craftsman...*cheesey commecial music "Can't be sure when taking out the Combine with a stanely! ALWAYS GO CRAFTSMAN! it stands for quality!"
Leave me alone, I am no mechanic. I know what wrench it is and what's it used for, I just don't know it's name ;)
What are those machines in the last picture? Does anyone know?
'ACME Release Date generator'

BigGoose2006 said:
What are those machines in the last picture? Does anyone know?

Its a machine for generating random HL2 release dates....probably.
kaf11 said:
thats a prowler, and no one knows what they are or their exact relationship to the combine.

or indeed if they are still in the game...