Am I going crazy? Vortigaunt companion added?


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Playing through Ep 2 again. And this time the vortigaunt has followed me and alyx to the area where we fight the antlion guards. I don't remember this happening on my first 2 playthroughs. WAs this added? So confused!
Yes you are going crazy. After Alyx gets hurt you basically have a Vortigaunt follow you until you get the car, been like that since release.
Operational is telling the truth here. I think you just memorize the part wrong.
Weird. I remember the vorts lines but I don't remember him being there, at least for the antlion fight. Only Alyx. Hmm.. I need more sleep.
have you considered it may be a problem with the game itself?
You're going crazy. This actually happens and is not an error in the game.
yup. when youre going to the antlion nest to do something fun :) killing antlions
what the hell is wrong with you? stop bumping old threads.