Am I ready?

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May 20, 2004
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Do you think my PC will be able to run HL2 well?

Here's some specs

ATI Radeon 9600 se video card

2.4 ghz Processor

256 mb RAM (Might get 512 mbs)
hell ****ing no,

first of all, ur vid card, the frist explosion in the game is goona drop your fps to 20, or even below, basically ur goona have choppy as shit while playing,

second your ram isnt that good, probably 3338 timings also, and ur 2.4 is it?

i dont oknw i bet thats a 533fsb shit,

man ur definitly goona lagg like a mother ****er while playign that game.

here is the minimum to aim for, 2.8, 512 2 3 2 6, 9800xt and above. this is where u will not lagg below 1024x7 with eyecandy,

people say the 9800pro is more than enough, thats bullshit, maybe for 1 explosion, but second u have 2 people running in your vision or 2 thigns blowing up at the same thime, dude, ur goona ****ing lagg, and for me thats not satisfactory, so if u really dont give a **** about some lagg here is my true advice to you, dont ****ing upgrade at all, if i were u ied downg grade, sell parts get other cheaper parts and save moeny.
i would defenitely upgrade to 512, otherwise, much lag.
Graphics will run it fine, although not as good as those new x800 or 6800 ones at like 100 fps!
off topic,

has anyone here ever found out what systems the demos were running at? both 2004 and 2003, im realy curious, instead of these interviewers asking gay quesdtions about the game, they needed to have asked, what video card was that demo running on.

is this bad?
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Do you think my PC will be able to run HL2 well?

Here's some specs

ATI Radeon 9600 se video card

2.4 ghz Processor

256 mb RAM (Might get 512 mbs)

You have two problems with your computer - RAM and your graphics card.

Most modern games really need at least 512 MB of RAM to run properly. This upgrade should run you around $45 for a stick of 256 MB value RAM.

The video card is a more serious problem (depending on your view). The 9600 SE is not a good card. It may have the 9600 core, but they cut its memory bandwith in half which severly cripples performance. The 9600 SE has a performance between the Geforce FX 5200 Ultra and the Geforce 5200. If you don't mind sacrificing some eye candy (such as DX 9 shaders and some texture quality), you should be able to run HL2 on a DX 7/8 codepath which is more than enough to experience the game.

Upgrading your video card will be more expensive. A proper video card will cost you anywhere between $140 to $220.
no your not ready, and ill only be able to run it at 2 fps. noone can run hl2 because its oober.
hyenolie said:
hell ****ing no,

first of all, ur vid card, the frist explosion in the game is goona drop your fps to 20, or even below, basically ur goona have choppy as shit while playing,

second your ram isnt that good, probably 3338 timings also, and ur 2.4 is it?

i dont oknw i bet thats a 533fsb shit,

man ur definitly goona lagg like a mother ****er while playign that game.

here is the minimum to aim for, 2.8, 512 2 3 2 6, 9800xt and above. this is where u will not lagg below 1024x7 with eyecandy,

people say the 9800pro is more than enough, thats bullshit, maybe for 1 explosion, but second u have 2 people running in your vision or 2 thigns blowing up at the same thime, dude, ur goona ****ing lagg, and for me thats not satisfactory, so if u really dont give a **** about some lagg here is my true advice to you, dont ****ing upgrade at all, if i were u ied downg grade, sell parts get other cheaper parts and save moeny.

Dont listen to him.

You will probably be fine as long as you upgrade your ram. You may not be able to play with all the visuals on high but you should atleast get 30FPS.

I really dont understand some of the replies people get in the forum. About 6 months ago people would have been saying that a 9600se would be enough to run half life 2 with some dx9 eye candy but now that the x800's are out people are saying that the 9600se is shit and it wont run half life 2 at all. Just because the hardware has advanced it doesnt mean that the game is anymore system demanding then it was 6 months ago. And I believe that gabe said that you need a 1.2ghz proc, 256 of ram, and atleast a directx7 videocard. So even if you cant run it in direct x 9 at highest settings you will definatly be able to run at dx8.

But I would recommend that you get atleast 512 of ram if you want an increase in FPS. If you got some more money to spend and you want to experience hl2 at dx9 visuals spend about $200 and get a 9800 pro.
Ya see, blackeye, people now act like this because they just spent 400 bucks on a video card and dont wanna feel bad about themselves by trying to show off.
Ya see, blackeye, people now act like this because they just spent 400 bucks on a video card and dont wanna feel bad about themselves by trying to show off.
This forum has turned into a my e-penis is bigger then your e-penis war.
What ever happened to providing unbiased advice to people that need it.
The memory would be a must.
You can make do with the graphics card and find out when HL2 is released.
I would recommend a 9800Pro though.

Because it is listed as a 9600, it is misleading to how well it performs just by the model of the card. The SE card's performance never match their models base number.
I dunno blackeye! I made a topic yesterday asking how well my geforce fx 5600 would run it only to get replys like "Its gunna suck, you should upgrade to a 6800 like I did yesterday, Its only 419 dollars."
Yeah, rougly 84% of everyone on these forums either has an X800 or 6800... or so I'm lead to believe. :p

hyenolie said:
has anyone here ever found out what systems the demos were running at? both 2004 and 2003, im realy curious, instead of these interviewers asking gay quesdtions about the game, they needed to have asked, what video card was that demo running on.
That question has been asked, and it's been answered... repeatedly... I don't see how it's going to do you any good, though.
Yeah, rougly 84% of everyone on these forums either has an X800 or 6800... or so I'm lead to believe.
Its not like were saying anything bad about you people that have them its just not everyone has got the latest hardware and when you guys give advice you have to weigh in all the factors and not just tell them to go buy a new system because its what you got.
I think you missed my point... I think... 'cause I sure as Hell don't have one of those ****ing things. :p
hyenolie said:
at the end i dont care who has the biggest e what ever,

dude ur shit inst goona run hl2,

dont get me wrong, u will definitly find out what happens to gordon and see the cliffhanging ending at the end of the game, but all im saying is

ur shit is goona ****ign suck, its as simple as that, no u will not get 30 fps, u will only get 30 fps in a closed room walking by yourself, the second an emey in is thier shooting and at you and you shoot back ur fps will be under 20, its as simple as that.

i already llisted the minimum specs. u people will see at the end, the specs i listed and the specs these "credible website reviewer" such as andandtec and what ever the **** will list, will not be so different. i see how above avg cards get their asses handed to them.

Get off it man. Hes double the recomended system requirments in most cases. As long as he upgrades his ram he will be ok.
why utelling me to get off it man, he asked a question, i answered by telling him that he will find out about hte story of the game and what happens to gordon, and i even told him furthur that his hardware will not run hl2 at the settings we all want to run hl2 at FULL BABY!!, i did hima favour wtf u talking about? tell me one wronge thing i said.

His ram
i currsed it out
u said upgrade it, because 512 is what games want now.

his video card,
i pointed my finger and laugned
u said get a 9800 somethign, (which by the way is what i told him to get also)

His cpu
i said is probably a 533fsb shit, am i wronge?

tell me 1 ****ing thing i said wronge.


u wanted me to be all politicaly correct and hold his hand, i bet u wanted me to buy him the hardware and install it to didnt you.

your mommies can hold your hands, i only tell the ****ing truth.

so please, u get off me,
Your car can't drive down anything but gravel road.
Buy a corvette, no other car will be able to handle the interstate, baby!

It's the attitude and FUD. That's all. ;)
I said get a 9800 if you have $200 to spend and want to experience it at dx9 settings instead of dx8. I did not say that you have to go out and buy a 9800 pro because your system is going to run the game horribly. Because the fact is that the system will run HL2. Just a little boost in ram and it will be more then enough.

But man what is your probably. You sound like one of those people that will go on a school shooting because everyone is ingnorant except you.
take your pick corvette or M3?

power, speed VS. luxury, leg room, possibly handling also.

ohh and if ur goona pick vet because its american over the german and ur goona be all patriotic please dont even dare posting, you need to post because of a good reason. and dont say the bmw dosent have powre because it does, my fav car baby, 333hp and 282 torque, so pleaes dont post because your patriotic post because u actualy reasoned it out.

Originally Posted by blackeye
But man what is your problem. You sound like one of those people that will go on a school shooting because everyone is ingnorant except you.

sorry man the bad words make it sound harsh, but im saying the same thing u are in a different way. your right i do have a anger problem, thats why i sometimes punch the wall on the side of me. its ok. let me put it this way, if it was me asking, ied rather have u tell me the hard core facts rather than holding my hand.
if it was me asking, ied rather have u tell me the hard core facts rather than holding my hand.
And the hard core facts is it will run HL2.
ied rather say, you will see gordon jump up, but the next frame u see is that hes already on the ground shooting the 3 combine soldiers that magically molaculized and are now in front of you. this is what i call running a game at 2 fps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u consider that running?

off topic,

have u ever thrown 2 smoke grenades in front of you in CS and ran through them, tell me what ur fps is at.

i dare u to do this with a g2mx400, i had this card. it ran CS just fine, i was able to play it, but i also did throw 2 nades in front of me, i did see what fps was at, so i now itell you a gf2mx400 is the same thing to his 9600se running hl2 instead of cs. is this not true?
hyenolie, he'll be able to turn the settings down to get it running properly. I don't see what you're on about..
im not saying anything other than wait a second

is that a bunch of rectangless with a gun? ohh no its just gordon holding the mp7. sorry my mistake i thoguht gordon was a bunch of rectangles.
Wow. If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive. :cheers:
do u want me to start insults also? u think i give a **** if i get banned from these forums?
Hyenolie, ur an idiot in both your attitude towards the people you are talking to and your knowledge of pc hardware. So do blackeye and me a favor and stfu.
hyenolie, might I ask why you want to rain on other people's parades?
Not everyone needs ultra high settings, some people are satisfied with you know.. actually PLAYING THE GAME, even at lower settings.
Now everyone hates him!!!!!!!
...all because he couldnt find the kindness in his heart to answer a fellow HL fans question with common decency...
do u want me to start insults also? u think i give a **** if i get banned from these forums?

Shall we find out?
pi mu rho u beat me to the next post,

find out what? that if i car if im banned, if ill email hl2 admins to be unbanneD? u thikn u have power, u th ink i care? ban me now, go ahead, dude seriosuly ban me right now. show me u have power, please ban me now.
I vote you ban him!'
But thats just my opinion, I think that if he apologizes you can spare his account....
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