Amazing Book


Nov 20, 2004
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I just finished Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and I can easily say that this is probably the best book I've ever read in my life. It's relatively new (came out in spanish in 2001, then translated into English in 2004) and it's amazing. The plot, the characters, the themes, the story... absolutely brilliant. I read the entire thing in one sitting (took me about 7 hours) and I'm completely drained now. It was just... perfect.
Well then, off to the scanner you go!
the son of the owner of a bookstore comes across a book called Shadow of the Wind, by a man named Julian Carax. He falls in love with it, and starts looking for more of Carax's books, until he discovers that they're being systematically eliminated, and he actually has the last existing copy of that particular book. So he tries to track down the cause of this, and the author, and uncovers webs upon webs of lies and cover-ups. He meets these really fascinating people, uncovers more and more deception and secrets, and the novel transforms several times over in the process. It's essentially a traditional gothic novel (branching subplots upon subplots, dark themes, etc) but so much better at the same time.
The best series I've ever read (well, I'm still going) is The Dark Tower by Stephen King. Any of you guys read it? Incredible series.

Mabye I'll check yours out some time.
I just read a plot synopsis online and it made no sense, I guess I'll have to look into the book myself. If it was good enough to be translated, it's probably worth it.
yeah, I can imagine that the plot sounds completely bizarre in brief, but in the book it works beautifully. And I've heard great things about the Dark Tower series.
Dark tower gets very tedious after book 4

I stopped reading fiction a year ago anyways. The last great fiction I read was 1984.
Actually, before this, I read The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, which was magnificent. I'd actually call it rich, almost like reeeally good cake- I found myself pausing after every page to reflect on how excellent it is. Still, I liked Shadow of the Wind even better.
JNightshade said:
Actually, before this, I read The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, which was magnificent. I'd actually call it rich, almost like reeeally good cake- I found myself pausing after every page to reflect on how excellent it is. Still, I liked Shadow of the Wind even better.

I read that book in 8th grade, I had a bit of trouble with it back then. I saw the movie too so that helped.
JNightshade said:
Actually, before this, I read The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, which was magnificent. I'd actually call it rich, almost like reeeally good cake- I found myself pausing after every page to reflect on how excellent it is. Still, I liked Shadow of the Wind even better.

Sweet Jesus! I love Umberto Eco! Have you read Foucalt's Pendulum? I love that one. The writing is so kind of this mix of humorous and somber that I really enjoy. I didn't think anyone had heard, but SO love the books.
I started reading it, and loved it, but then I got sidetracked by about a billion different things at once. I've been meaning to start over on it for a while now...
JNightshade said:
I started reading it, and loved it, but then I got sidetracked by about a billion different things at once. I've been meaning to start over on it for a while now...

You should. I must admit I'm not a huge fan of the parts where he goes into present circumstances, but the bits where he delves into what has happened in his past more than make up for it. Plus, "The penis is a phallic symbol" line makes me smirk everytime I read it.
JNightshade said:
Ok, now I MUST read it.

Was it the penis thing?:P

But seriously, it is a great book that I've enjoyed a lot, despite some of it's flaws. Just skim through the "Present Events", and revel in the past ones, and you will love it.