Amazing Gaming Moments


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
0 and this guy Skorm on red orchestra were playing on some bridge map last night. We survived the whole round. Here's the story

I was a commander for the russians, as a squad commander I was not qualified to enter a tank so we went on foot. As we approched the bridge we took fire from an enemy apc. Me and Skorm got behind a house and listened for breaks in the fire before sprinting cover to cover until we got to the bridge. One of our tanks showed up and took out the apc and we went across the bridge. Me and skorm got behind a house and our tank backup was blown up. There were two panzers there... "Don't move" I said to skorm while we were behind enemy lines. We stayed still for 15 minutes waiting for backup.

It never came. What did come was a german rifleman, who skorm soon shot with his rifle. As the german was screaming in agony from the shot, I said to skorm "GO FOLLOW ME NOW!!!" We RAN to the forest and once we were close we got near a building. A german was walking around, I was positioning him in my sites, he saw me and I immediatly shot out of instinct, killing him instantly. "RUN!" I shouted. Around the corner was an apc with a gunner inside, out of instinct I fired my ppsh41 from the hip and luckily a bullet hit him in the skull. We kept sprinting until we got to the forest. We hid there for 10 minutes, tank shells exploding everywhere around us and sounds of death and killing before the game ended on a draw. That was the most realistic moment I've ever had in a game before.

:cheers: To private skorm

Please post your stories here!
Come on people, no one has any amazing gaming stories?
Yeah, i've got many a tale of Planetside moments. I'll leave them for the grandchildren though. :P
I felt like some CS:S t'other morning, was about 7am and I was on a tired high. I get really quick reaction times when I'm in those.

Went to check servers and there's a good mate of mine playing in one. So I join up, auto into T's, but I've joined too late to buy. Also, the last of my teammates just died, and there was still 4 CTs. Righto, methinks, takes me glock (oh, it was de_piranesi, I think) and run into the battle, see a guy down a hall with an M4 and we both open up on each other. Each land a few hits before I manage to take cover just round the corner. A split second later he appears and not a moment after gets a bullet in his head. Snatch up his M4, head on around to just near the CT spawn and circle back to bombsite. Another guy on my way, headshot him before he has a chance to react. Get to bombsite, pick up the bomb, about to plant when another CT starts hailing bullets on me from up high (in between the things in the castle looking thing... you know). Spin around a perfect 180 and cap a few in him, his corpse goes limp and he falls, making a satisfying thunk as he hits the ground. Plant bomb, scout around bombsite for enemies, getting REALLY twitchy now, adrenaline is pumping, heart rate way up, go back to check on the site and here's the last CT, heading over to the bomb. I shoot him in the back and it's all over :D

Next round I await my teammate's applause. A message from my friend reads: BadHat, get some sleep :|

I left that round with 14 kills to 4 deaths, and 90% of them were in top clans. Just goes to show, don't mess with a sleep deprived hat.
Bad^Hat said:
Plant bomb, scout around bombsite for enemies, getting REALLY twitchy now, adrenaline is pumping, heart rate way up, go back to check on the site and here's the last CT, heading over to the bomb. I shoot him in the back and it's all over
Heh, I get like that when the pressure is on ... can feel my heart pounding away, its like survival instinct or something... feels awesome, specially when you're on a winning streak.

I have tales like that pretty much every night, the best moment in CS Source was taking out the remainder of the enemy (6 Ts) with a single grenade in cs_office (they were all camping their spawn, I lobbed the grenade through the divider then ran for cover)
I was playing Halo 2 and I went 108-6. All I did was grab the enemy sniper rifle and I had the rockets.
every moment i've had in the splinter cell chaos theory multiplayer beta has been amazing
Every single moment in Planetside...was awe-inspiring.
Me and my clan that I'm part of =[TYG]= made the news on the official site, with the largest assault ever...forgot the area and server though...
Over 1000 soldiers and pilots were involved.
We totally over ran the continent.
Mechs storming the bases and outposts...Mosquitoes zipping over-head...
Galaxies dropping troops everywhere...
I was a Galaxy pilot during the whole thing, going back to the sanctuary to pick-up more troops and tanks every 10 minutes.
Good god, I never felt so awesome in a game in my entire life.
There was gunfire everywhere, tank shells slamming the terrain, lasers shooting through the air, the sound of my clanmates yelling over the mic...
Man...I almost wish I never cancelled my account...
Well I didn't do this but I was in a clan called
Break Point Tactics or BPT.

Now it was maybe a 5v5 scoutknivez.
Our whole team but one of our members was wiped out...all 5 of there guys stood.

5v1 knife.
We won.
Our guy knifed about 3 guys right in a row(Literally he got em in a row). Only 2 were straggling off, and eventually he went back and got them.

5 kills with a knife..not bad huh.

He really wasn't a great knifer either...
the first time i killed a guy with a sniper rifle in Team Fortress Classic on 2Fort - he was standing at the other fort and stared straight at me right before i shot him, then i calmly clicked the mouse and saw that satisfying explosion of blood and the headshot symbol in the corner - what was most amazing was this wason a 56k modem over Juno
xlucidx said:
Every single moment in Planetside...was awe-inspiring.
Me and my clan that I'm part of =[TYG]= made the news on the official site, with the largest assault ever...forgot the area and server though...
Over 1000 soldiers and pilots were involved.
We totally over ran the continent.
Mechs storming the bases and outposts...Mosquitoes zipping over-head...
Galaxies dropping troops everywhere...
I was a Galaxy pilot during the whole thing, going back to the sanctuary to pick-up more troops and tanks every 10 minutes.
Good god, I never felt so awesome in a game in my entire life.
There was gunfire everywhere, tank shells slamming the terrain, lasers shooting through the air, the sound of my clanmates yelling over the mic...
Man...I almost wish I never cancelled my account...

This game sounds godly :eek:
getting cyber sexed... man those are amazing gaming moments!

EDIT: Don't quote me boy I ain't say shit
Almost every moment when I played Quake 1 and Duke Nukem in lan with my brother many many years ago.
My friends and I are messing around with Halo 1. We're just ramming vehicles into each other and flipping tanks and such. My friend was killed and spawned on the other side of Blood Gultch. We had rocket launchers on because we were practicing leading ghosts from far away. He fires a random rocket from across the level just playing around.

Meanwhile - I'm across the entire level in a ghost just jumping off warthogs and tanks. I go at one of the tanks, he raises his barrel to try to launch me higher - it kinda works. I just go flying into the air straight up, noise pointed straight up as well. *BOOM* A rocket hits me square in the driver's seat.

Turns out that the rocket my friend fired from across the level travelled for like 5 seconds and amazingly managed to hit me while I was flying in the air square on. I was absolutely amazed that it hit.

Another amazing moment in my gaming history. When I first played Quake 1 with my friend on a fast computer that ran it at like 40+ fps we were amazed at how smooth it was. We were used to playing it at like 10-15 fps. From then on any game that ran smoothly was dubbed, "Quake-smooth"

When I first played the game, "Time Commando" I thought the first level was a cg video because I thought the graphics were too good. Then I realized nothing was happening and I started to get killed so I tried moving. I was shocked that it was the real game :P
AmishSlayer said:
When I first played the game, "Time Commando" I thought the first level was a cg video because I thought the graphics were too good. Then I realized nothing was happening and I started to get killed so I tried moving. I was shocked that it was the real game :P
lol, that game was great. I'm gonna get out some old PC User demo CD's now and go through them. I think i've got the Duke Nukem demo on there somewhere