Amazing, H2O powered gas


I see so much awesome stuff, inventions and creations and they never ever take off. I hope this does. He could make loads.
Stanley Meyers suspiciously died of poisoning in 1998 because of a similar electrolysis process that he tried to get into the market place. Lets hope oil cartels decide to diverge and encourage totally green hydrogen water fueled combustion.
Adrien C said:
I don't get it why we don't see this on the news.
It does say "Fox 26 News" but the new is too cooporate, this would take a big hit on the oil industry, they tend to keep things like this on the down low
This goes far beyond gas for a car. Heating homes can use this and also camping stoves. It really makes me angry when prices for gas are absurd and we start invading countries for gas when we could just simply use this process. Welders also have diesel powered welders where a power outlet is out of the question. But if we can use this technology we can just run off of a gallon of water and a car battery to weld. The possibilities are endless! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
D€vIL² said:

Shit like this needs to start becoming more popular.
Holy crap. Wow that is truly amazing. Drive 100 miles on 4 ounces of water. For comparison, a can of soda is 12 ounces. This is major. I wonder why he opted to have his car hybrid when it sounds like he could make the car run on straight water. I guess the requires a whole new engine type. Awesome.
Yes, it could change the world forever for the betterment of everyone. Infact it could change the world totally in a decade if it was actively encouraged and funded more, of course what pisses me off is that the minority elite with vested interests and power over society in oil won't let it go full steam until they have milked the pertro chemical industry for as much petrol and diesel profit as possible.
You forget that you first need energy to convert the water into hydrogen through electrolysis. The water doesn't turn into hydrogen by magic. And that energy still has to come from fossil fuels. You can't pour water into a car and energy comes out. No you can pour water into a car and then electricity is added breaking it down to oxygen and hydrogen and then you can bond the hydrogen with oxygen again, releasing the energy you put into it through the electrolysis and create water. So what it is, is a safer/cleaner way of storing energy than gasoline, but it's not an energy source. It's a carrier. It's certainly better than what we have, but no solution until we can generate mass electricity through other means than fossil fuels, like nuclear fusion.

Of course, oil also has to be refined before it can be used for energy, which also takes energy to do.
Apparently those ideas are not out because it cost much more than what it gives (i.e it gives you co2 clean energy but costs more than gaz.)
PvtRyan said:
You forget that you first need energy to convert the water into hydrogen through electrolysis.

I can tell this guy is a welder. It kinda looked like he was going for a new fuel source to have better/safer heat. It kinda looked like this:
He poured some water into this generator thing and out came the fuel. I guess the machine does all the gas conversion for you kinda like a coffee maker. If we could use solar power, wind, etc to power the generator and water we could have absolutely free gas.:imu:
Except that solar and windpower generate jack shit of energy :P
It seems to me that some of you don't understand how a car alternator works and how this could work so well.

The welder power source in the video is from electricity and water only.

In a car, the car battery could be used to create the energy from water. Although a larger battery would likely be necessary, thats just a detail. Water + electricity = power.

The running of the engine spins the alternator which keeps the battery charged. At all times when a car engine is running, it is constantly creating electricity by spinning the alternator (generator) which charges the battery (electricity) This is how cars work today, so it's a simple task for this once the engine is running, for it to constantly charge the battery that is used to create the energy from electricity and water. Therefore, all you need is water and the battery to fuel the car, house, whatever. I'm not sure why conventional petro is needed in the vehicle, but I hope that one day it can be eliminated from the equation altogether.
So you're saying the battery is charged by the car running on the fuel, while the fuel is created by the battery. So in essence the battery is charging itself.
except that is unreasonable because its a closed system. energy would be lost as heat and eventually the electricity generated by the gas would not exceed the electricity needed to charge the battery and the car would shut down.

The difference between today's batteries and those which would convert water into hydrogen and oxygen is the gasoline itself. The gasoline engine gets energy from igniting gasoline, which turns the alternator and charges the battery. The battery is not providing the immediate energy, the gas is.

Having a battery recharge itself through electolosyis would only work for a miniscule amount of time. You would need a secondary source of energy like using the braking energy of the car to redirect it back to the battery or using solar/wind power to get enough energy to overcome the energy lost as heat during electrolosys.
I smell a water shortage.

Unless this thing actually would emit steam as exhaust...
sinkoman said:
I smell a water shortage.

Unless this thing actually would emit steam as exhaust...

it turns back into water upon contact with a surface. in the car it would probably reunite as steam like in a hydrogen fuel cell
The oil industry just put a horse's head in that guy's bed.
The gasoline companies could be really screwed here. Even if they try and prevent it, once people figure out how to modify their cars to run on water, nothing is going to stop them.
Major flaw in this idea.

Do his inventions run on stilled water?

If so, then this idea just hit a big brick wall. Stilling hundreds of gallons of water at home isn't too consumer friendly, and I don't think we'll see "Distilled Water Stations" any time in the next few years.

But he did say that the car ran on a few ounces of fuel. I guess people could still thier own water once a month and run their car on that.

I dunno though. Seems like the same problem with Hydrogen powered cars, the need for easily accessable fuel.
Maybe that could be used as jet engines?
theotherguy said:
except that is unreasonable because its a closed system. energy would be lost as heat and eventually the electricity generated by the gas would not exceed the electricity needed to charge the battery and the car would shut down.

The difference between today's batteries and those which would convert water into hydrogen and oxygen is the gasoline itself. The gasoline engine gets energy from igniting gasoline, which turns the alternator and charges the battery. The battery is not providing the immediate energy, the gas is.

Having a battery recharge itself through electolosyis would only work for a miniscule amount of time. You would need a secondary source of energy like using the braking energy of the car to redirect it back to the battery or using solar/wind power to get enough energy to overcome the energy lost as heat during electrolosys.
It seems like you went in different directions mid-way while explaining, but I understand what you are trying to say. But I don't understand what you mean by "the battery would only charge for a second"

To be perfectly honest, I don't understand how this works, none of us do I'm sure. If this fuel source is only able to burn and is not explosive then much of what I say could be wrong. He did mention that he created this as an alternative to acetylene since acetylene is so volitale. Volatile = explosive. So this could mean this new water-fuel is not quite as exposive, not explosive at all, or anywhere in-between for all we know.

There is also the interesting part where he said that the nozzle where the flame comes out remains cool to the touch! That is amazing. Just imagine a car engine that doesn't create heat and doesn't pollute! WOW. All of the problems of todays engines are gone. The only problem left is that engines will still need oil as a lubricant, but that is but a minor detail compared to the bulk of the problem.

I think the problem with what you are saying is that you are forgetting that the water + battery = the fuel! The battery can be used for spark plugs to ignite this water-fuel. The spark plugs ignite the water-fuel and the pistons move, and the pistons rotate the camshaft, and simultaneously the axles and the alternator turns from this force. Thus, the battery is charged and the car moves simultaneously. This is exactly how our cars work today, except using gasoline. The only difference in principal from this new water-fuel and conventional gasoline is the fuel itself, not in the basic way it works (for the purposes of this example).

If you are saying that the battery consumtion is too great for how much would be able to be charged, well that can be improved greatly by extremely high quality and high output alternators. I'm sure the battery power consumtion is very high, and this could be the reason, or part of the reason why gasoline is mixed in.

[EDIT] I watched the video again, and he did say that he can make the car run on 100% water if he chose to!

You say that in current vehicles, gasoline + battery creates an explosion that charges the battery. It is true. It is also true that once the engine is running you can actually remove the battery from the car. Most won't believe this until you try it, but I have. I was challenged by a friend and he was right. All of the electrical system, including the spark plugs are run from the alternator, not the battery. The battery is merely used to start the engine and to run accessories when the car is not running.

However, if you have an engine that runs on a battery, alternator, and water, imagine that the water + electricity is combustible like fuel. As a nice bonus the waste product of this fuel is merely steam and heat, much nicer than carbon dioxide for the environment!

The problem with running this as a straight fuel is probably that it burns so extremely hot, and this is probably why it is mixed with gasoline, to keep the temperature within reason. In the video they said that the flame produced from the torch was as hot as the surface of the sun! I have never heard of anything like this, and found that almost unbelievable, and would love to know more.

Details will remain unknown, due to the inventor and his investors trying to keep it a secret so that nobody steals the idea (legally or otherwise) - which is worth billions or even trillions of dollars I'd imagine.

The other part I am unclear on is .. won't this be too hot and just melt the pistons? You see, this is another reason I believe that the gasoline must be mixed in there - to keep the temperature down. The interesting part is that the nozzle where the flame came out in the torch didn't get hot! I wonder how this could be used beneficially, because it certainly is beneficial!
Why would it heat up on some surfaces but not your hand?
Idonotbelonghere said:
Why would it heat up on some surfaces but not your hand?

I'm betting it's a reaction.

Like a chemicle flame.

And, couldn't you run some sort of primative steam powered generator off of the exhaust, replacing the trickle charge all together?
Even if it requires distilled water, converting sea water to distilled water could become very econimically viable if this became the main fuel

the electrolysis of water is very inefficieant (and requires platinum), so in theory it's possible to increase the effiency, not sure about the platinum though
Mr Stabby said:
Even if it requires distilled water, converting sea water to distilled water could become very econimically viable if this became the main fuel

the electrolysis of water is very inefficieant (and requires platinum), so in theory it's possible to increase the effiency, not sure about the platinum though

Reminds me of a Mythbusters I saw today.

They tried a homemade water Electrolysis machine hooked up directly to a car engine, and the care wouldn't start (not enough concentrated hydrogen).

Then they took out the fuel line all together, and Jamie sprayed pure hydrogen all over the hole that the fuel line was connected to, while Adam tried starting it.

That was hillarious, one guy just standing there with a hose spraying Hydrogen all over the place, while the other revved the engine :laugh:

And it worked!

Till the car backfired :/

It's not very hard to make fresh water people.

  1. Fill a plastic bottle with clear water to about 70% full (1 - 2L PET transparent bottles).
  2. Shake the bottle vigorously to mix the remaining air in the bottle with the water.
  3. After about 10 seconds of shaking, fill the bottle completely with water.
  4. Leave the sealed bottle in full sun for at least 6 hours, preferably lying on dark ground or a highly reflective, metallic surface. After that, the water is disinfected and drinkable.
Just leave it under some light bulb overnight and let the thing convert it.
people calm down...this invention is usless for transport vehicles.

this is basicaly hydrogen power.


to seperate H2O into elements you need some form of energy...let's say you need 100 units of energy to make 100 units of usable hydrogen energy!

now you use this 100 units of hydrogen power in the combustion chamber to make an exotermic reaction wich releases exactly the same amount of energy units that you needed to separate it in the first place, in this case 100 energy units.

now with your 100 energy units you wan't to move the car and the alternator together. the problem is even if the alternator was 100% efficient it would still need those 100 energy units to produce 100 hydrogen energy units and of course 0 units would go to the automobile.

terfore this is usless, not only because we don't have 100% efficient generator, but nothing is 100% efficient.

however this is a good thing to use for welders, but in that case the energy supplied comes from somwhere else!

edit: it works with gasoline because there is much more energy stored in gasoline than there is used in the whole process to move the car, the excess energy is than transmited to heat which is usless for the process (almost)! you don't make new gasoline which would require the same amount of energy it used to be made in the first place!
jverne said:
people calm down...this invention is usless for transport vehicles.

this is basicaly hydrogen power.


to seperate H2O into elements you need some form of energy...let's say you need 100 units of energy to make 100 units of usable hydrogen energy!

And that's running at 100% efficiency.

BUT, once you've started feeding a trickle charge into your car battery, your vehicle will essentially, create its own electromotive force required to perform the electrolysis.

Not to mention you could always use the steam byproduct to turn a coil, giving you even more energy output from your input.

So basically, the only added electromotive force the entire unit would require, is the initial charge on an unused battery. After that, the battery is just charged, discharged, charged, discharged, over and over and over. Just as you see with modern automobiles.

Pessimists :hmph:
sinkoman said:
And that's running at 100% efficiency.

BUT, once you've started feeding a trickle charge into your car battery, your vehicle will essentially, create its own electromotive force required to perform the electrolysis.

Not to mention you could always use the steam byproduct to turn a coil, giving you even more energy output from your input.

So basically, the only added electromotive force the entire unit would require, is the initial charge on an unused battery. After that, the battery is just charged, discharged, charged, discharged, over and over and over. Just as you see with modern automobiles.

Pessimists :hmph:

this would only work if the machine would work 100% effective, not just the alternator or the electrolisys, but also the whole system that moves the car (the transmisions, the rotors,...everything)!

it is impossible...
Hydrogen isn't a fuel source, it's a form of storing energy to be used in cars.

First, they use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen (an endothermic reaction).

Then, in the cars they burn the hydrogen in air (oxygen) to produce water (exothermic reaction).

So the hydrogen in cars is essentially a storage medium, in some sense hydrogen cars are essentially powered by electricity.

I don't see how water can be used as a fuel, since every reaction I know of that involves water that involves is endothermic.
JellyWorld said:
Then, in the cars they burn the hydrogen in air (oxygen) to produce water (exothermic reaction).

That's only one way, and isn't very good due to the hydrogen being used very quickly. The other way is ofcourse hydrogen fuel cells. They however have several problems as well. Most noticeable to cars is that they are very fragile.