*Ambients* not Playing problem

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Why do some sounds, though they are "raw" and listed under Ambient, not play in an ambient_generic?

It's properly flagged too. It seems only certain sounds play in ambient_generics... any idea which ones exactly?
Any takers on how to get ambient_generic to play RAW sounds?

Any way to trigger an ambient sound to play by force?
it really depends on the file, some files are very low volume, while others are loud, some require tweaking. what soundfile specifically are you trying to get to play, i could see if i could get it to play.
Atleast i had difficulties to play some wind sounds, dont remember exactly which ones.

Don't try too hard. I've already tried alots of stuff...

-- Ignore my shiny new Warning Level. Posted an OT poll in "HL2 General", mistaking it for "Gaming General".
oh its mp3 music. not sure about that. i dont think its possible in hl2dm yet.
i have used RAW ambient_generics but most are very low volume...if you dot a couple around your map you will be able to hear them - even set at max. volume you will have difficulty hearing one.havent tested yet to see if these sounds will play on all clients yet though so...fingers crossed...