AMD 65nm October


Aug 22, 2003
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"Production of 65nm chips started back in June and has hit "full flow" this month, Gueldner said. October is two months ahead of the December time frame suggested by previous rumors originating from Taiwan."

FYI shrinking the CPU die helps the CPU to use less power, give off less heat and allows for more headroom when increasing clock speeds.
Perhaps this will make up some of that Conroe power/heat and OCing potential. Core 2 Duo is 65nm while AMD is on 90nm atm.
Cant wait to see how good they can overclock. Thanks for the post asus.
October? I planned to FINALLY buy my pc in mid october. I had it all figured out with conroe and stuff.. now this will probably delay it.
Well, Well.
When I say "Something is looming" people, please take notes, and quit dismissing. Sheesh!

Some of the X2 4400+ are 89w which is why they OC close to 3GHz from 2.2GHz. You can literally buy a X2 4400+ and in few settings in the BIOS you can OC it to FX 62 in the heart-beat. The two chips have nothing different except the price tag, everything else is the same including the dual 1MB L2 cache, 2000HT, Toledo Dual-cores, Support for MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, 3DNOW Professional, standard 1.3-1.35v (Instead of 1.5-1.55v), Etc. The trick is that all 4400+ aren't 89w, only some are, and they're all the same price (Around $230.00). And they're extremely hard to find.

Here she is and her reviews. New Egg still got em.

It would be sweat; if those (October-chips) stock at upper 2GHz, they could compete with current Conroe.

We'll see what happens.
"it would be sweat"? :LOL: nice typo there.

I don't think they'll run at a higher clockspeeds. It's basically the same cpu with a lower powerconsumption and better overclock. If they can OC stably to about 4ghz on a good mobo, then it's just a matter of opinion again to go for AMD or Intel. Although I don't see that happen, I have my hopes up.
Yeah, nice catch on the typo. :p

What I mean is that; Stock speed starting at upper 2Ghz (Like 2.8GHz) on lower cooler wattage (65w) and 1.25-1.3v V-Core. This gives a huge Head-Room to OC. A casual OC (Just raising FSB) can give up to 400MHz, on the right chips (San Diego, Toledo), and then, start working with V-core (Special V-Core) multiplier, Get the big cooling Typhoon HSF, then more V-Core.

Almost the 200w chips do almost a half a gig on stock HSF. If these chip are what they're said to be, they will do way more than that on 65w 1.3v.

It will be close to 4GHz.

Then we'll get our bragging rights back, damn you. AMD :bounce: AMD :bounce: AMD :bounce: AMD
But essentially they're the same chips, just ones that require less juice and run a little cooler. I don't think they'll be able to take the vcore that the 90mn versions can, but don't doubt they will still be the better clockers. I doubt they'll get any where near Conroe, though. The slowest Core 2 Duo can go passed an FX-62 without breaking a sweat.
Well if you compare Intel's Pentium D with the core2duo, they made a big ass step forwards from 90nm to 65. It's hard to believe such improvement, but if AMD pulls it off too, they should be just as good and better than the conroe chips. They were leading with the 90nm chips too.

It's ALWAYS good to see a better product hit the market. Unless ofcourse you're a fanboy, which I'm not.
Well if you compare Intel's Pentium D with the core2duo, they made a big ass step forwards from 90nm to 65. It's hard to believe such improvement, but if AMD pulls it off too, they should be just as good and better than the conroe chips. They were leading with the 90nm chips too.
Well Intel also completely redid the entire architecture for there processors.
Right now Intel has a whole range of chips from low to high end. AMD chips (ignore the FX) just go up to the middle range (X2 3600-5200). AMD generally improves their die shrinks over a few revisions. They are starting with the current models. I'm not sure what to expect as for OCing.

But the smaller size will definitely help AMD get out more chips.
Right now Intel has a whole range of chips from low to high end. AMD chips (ignore the FX) just go up to the middle range (X2 3600-5200). AMD generally improves their die shrinks over a few revisions. They are starting with the current models. I'm not sure what to expect as for OCing.

But the smaller size will definitely help AMD get out more chips.

With the 65nm I wonder what L2 cache there going with I hope 4 MB shared.
I don't think they will change any tech with the first revision. Just a die shrink.
Well if you compare Intel's Pentium D with the core2duo, they made a big ass step forwards from 90nm to 65.

The Pentium D and the Conroe chips have very different architecture. This won't be the case with these newer AMD chips, which will essentially perform exactly the same as the ones they're replacing (just as Venice did to Winchester). They'll almost certainly overclock a little better, but there won't be much in it.
All reminds to be seen.

Rather "All remains to be seen" is what I meant to say...But you all must have figured that out by now. Thanks The Brick for not correcting me at this time. :cheers: Damn I hate drunk typing.

Wow you must be an oracle to have predicted progress in computer hardware!

Everyone here is a some sort of Data-Base bank. If you're not a Hardware Oracle then you're not a Hardware Enthusiast-or (Yeah a New Word).
I didn't even notice it ;)

Anyway, it looks like Conroe will still be over AMD's head (see warbies post). I'll be buying an E6300 next month cause it doesn't seem that things will change any time soon.
OK. We'll see what comes....Then we'll have some more to discuss.

But as being an AMD Fanboy (Yeah I admit it and damn proud) I'm (In fact) leaning toward Intel's new Conroe, very, very carefully.

Good Luck The Brick. Let us know the pros and the cons.

EDIT: Here, The Brick and the rest of the future Conroe upgraders, this may or may not help; It's the buying guide for Conroe (If this has been posted already), please disregard it.

Good Luck.