AMD @ 90nm


Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Check it out.

The 90nm A64 is not a simple die shrink but features several enhancements, such as:

* Full SSE3 implementation
* Improved hardware data prefetch mechanism
* Increased number of writing combine buffers (D0 stepping A64's can now combine up to four non-cacheable streams compared to 2 on the C0 and CG stepping A64's)
* Improved on-die memory controller with more advanced open page policy
* On-die thermal throttling
* Black Diamond Low-K technology (slower less power hungry transistors in less used sections and faster and more power hungry transistors in frequently used sections of the cpu)
He OCed it to 2.5GHz.
AMD looks to be not having any issues at 90nm like Intel, IBM or Apple. We'll find out for sure later.
GreasedNeut said:
isnt there supposed to be an FX53 version of this?
Not sure about FX53.
They could start using that stepping for some of their current CPU models I guess.
Asus said:
AMD looks to be not having any issues at 90nm like Intel, IBM or Apple. We'll find out for sure later.

Well AMD has pushed back its 90nm launched date several times now. They were supposed to launch 90nm back in the second half of 2003. Besides AMD pushing back the launch date for 90nm, there doesn't look like to be any problems with it.
Yeah, they were able to scale up to 2.4GHz with some headroom and they can continue with 90nm now.
Pushing it back allowed them the time to research and do it right the first time.
They have a 3800+ and FX53 at 2.4GHz shipping. I don't think it's competitors look as good with Intel paper launching their Prescott products 3.4GHz and above, along with Apple watercooling their 2.5GHz part.
I cant wait to see how well these will overclock in 6-12 months.